
Baden-Württemberg: Zahl anti-Semitischer Straftaten verdreifacht – Startseite

Baden-Württemberg: Zahl anti-Semitischer Straftaten verdreifacht – Startseite

Stuttgart. (dpa/lsw) When something is done and implemented, an initiative is taken and initiatives are taken. A dennoch: Since the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023, the hostility against Jews in Baden-Württemberg has reached a new dimension. All in the three months that the terrorist group continues to “explode” the case and the treatise on the years of the treatise of the Landminister Thomas Strobl (CDU).

Zuletzt had secured a multi-faceted terrorist attack at the Israeli General Assembly in Munich for Schlagzeilen and Schockwellen. In the Donnerstag War an 18-year war with the Bosnian Wurzeln in a Schusswechsel with the police was possible. Consider the evidence of an Islamist view of anti-Semitic motives.

Zahl der Straftaten nach Hamas-Angriff enormous pressure

After the new government of the foreign ministers, the anti-Semitic struggle in the country has begun in the first years of the 2023s in the first half of 2023. Between January and the end of June 2024, 260 anti-Semitic motivated criminal acts were committed – to 81 offenses in the first half of 2023.

After the start of the Gaza Wars in October, the Zahl will start at 668 hours as soon as possible. “That was a new, sad Zehnjahreshöchstvalue,” Strobl said. The trend is now a leader.

Anti-Semitism is not right-wing extremism, even in other extremist areas, which could happen in all Islamist movements, such as the Minister of the Interior. In 120 cases of the first Halbjahrs 2024, an anti-Semitic motivated Straftat mutmaßlich ausländischer Ideologie heraus started to be – in the Vergleich zu emptylich 2 Taten in the first sechs Monaten im Jahr 2023. From the right, the Ministerium 97 became anti-Semitic Delicte in Bereich der politically motivated Kriminal it is registered (63 im ersten Halbjahr 2023).

Minister of the Interior special colleges

“Die Zahlen spoke a wirklich erschreckende Sprache,” said Strobl. “The anti-Semitism war has not gone away, there is a large group of people who are in the German streets and squares, in parliaments and universities and jeden Tag tausendfach im Netz.”

Although the Zahl der Gewalttaten foutreulicherweise is not small, it is often a Hass and Hetze in Schrift and in Worten. Aber: “If you are anti-Semitismus, that no one will shy away from it – that is a matter of faith and protection,” says Strobl. “The Verrohung is a Gesellschaft that begins with the roads and the roads.”

Responsible for the massive increase in parts of statistics is after its assessment, among other things, the war in Gaza. In this case, the rank of the minister of another university depends on what he is concerned with and how he reacts. I have become more anti-Semitic by the actions and the colleges, and the reactions to the guideline are sharp.

“The science behind a university is a clear and deutliche Haltung,” said the minister. “Anti-Semitism has not disappeared with world peace and freedom with the freedom of science. Anti-Semites have never lost an unseren Universitäten.”

After the green led ministerial ministries at the college of the countries have started, the rules have been finally determined. These can be sanctioned – up to the matriculation.

Strobl: Auch Folgen für Asylverfahren nicht ausschließen

I am a Frühjahr who wants to promote all propalestinian protests and attempts at university efforts. Nach der Räumung von Gebäuden der Freien Universität Berlin durch de Polizei hatten Universitätsdozenten Widerspruch geäußert. There is a survey and a meeting of the Humboldt University for debates.

It is possible that the interior ministers will take anti-Semitic motivating measures in order not to exclude decisions for asylum status. “People, the anti-Semitic attacks or the terrorist organizations will take their right to asylum losses,” by the CDU politician. “That is incompatible.”