
Oben-ohne-Protest at Bürgerdialog mit Lindner (Neu mit Bild)

Oben-ohne-Protest at Bürgerdialog mit Lindner (Neu mit Bild)

Oben-ohne-Protest at Bürgerdialog mit Lindner (Neu mit Bild)

A citizen dialogue with Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) is an initiative of the Nackt-Protestlers.

The Minister’s advice is that the environment will be good for the future of our power, and we will continue to care about the future of our women, who were safe in the air and the environment: “Frauen were brought in, but your job is not going well.” Auf Nachfrage von Lindner nach Argumenten sagte eine der Frauen: “Zu wenig Finanzierung für den Frauenschutz.”

After they both took power, Lindner said, that the Veranstaltung in the Federal Ministry of Finance for the false Ort began, “we will have the essential questions, and the Area of ​​Prevention of Violence, against women and an infrastructure with women’s houses and of countries and communities and financially became”. If you are the leader of the fact that the Austausch is ‘nothing desired’, it is so that ‘Scenes and pictures for social media are produced’, so the FDP police.

Unclear war warnings, who behind the protest stands. Usually it is so that after-research for the female group, on the social media channels, never provides more light. When the Federal Finance Ministry no longer sees the Vorfall: the room of the live streams is soft and sharp, the official photo shows no images of the naked protests.

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: Livestream said Femen-Protest at Auftritt von Christian Lindner on 08.09.2024, via dts Nachrichtenagentur