
Stockach: Was for a special premiere! “Stockach is(s)t bunt” enthuses hunderte Besucher

Stockach: Was for a special premiere! “Stockach is(s)t bunt” enthuses hunderte Besucher

One of the best September summer days was a perfect condition for the wet premiere of „Stockach is(s)t stoot“. Start with starting to find a guest and it can be much more, soda from the city music weitere Tische and Bierbänke aufbauten and a sweaty Tischreihe eröffneten. During the night there is an international stage program, from 20:30 gestaltet wurde by Uwe Ladwigs Dixieland-Kapelle.

Weil Bürgermeisterin Susen Katter prevented war, übernahm Katharina Riedle, Leiterin der Tourist-Info, de Begrüßung. The title „Stockach is(s)t bunt“ drücke genau das aus, was de Stadt under mache, namlich Vielfalt, Gemeinschaft und Zusammenhalt. It thanks the teilnehmenden Vereinen and der Stadtjugendpflege for ihre Mitwirkung aswie der Volksbank Überlingen for the großzügige Unterstützung der Veranstaltung.

Ukrainian Women Said Several Dances. You begin the choreography when you are working with your best accompaniment.

Ukrainian Women Said Several Dances. You start the choreography when you are working with your best accompaniment. | Image: Claudia Ladwig

Künstler travels das Publikum mit

Jochen Sigg is a man who in fashion in July encourages the moderation and the Ukrainian woman, a Volkstanz and a song with tanzbegleitung-zeigten. The Ukelele-Gruppe Stockach played under the direction of Iris Wecke and sang eight songs, before we followed two other numbers of the Ukrainian women. Zu jedem Lied trugen die Frauen andere farbenfrohe Kostüme. Am Akkordeon has Denys Krochmal with his Beitrag founded.

The Besucher sit crowded on the benches in front of the stage. Make music, music and dance.

The Besucher sit crowded on the benches in front of the stage. Make music, music and dance. | Image: Claudia Ladwig

Also Stockacher Artist plays with: The party duo Nina and Marc Veser stand, very beautiful right to his. After the meditative sounds Anja Schmidt sings with her handpan, a bleaching instrument played with the hands. While the Iranian Mozghan traditional Iranian songs are playing, there is talk of a friend of the singer, in Iran a woman will never stand on the flower. They wage a war and get a big applause for the publications, so that the people of the family and the beloved friends revive. You can do this with your songs with.

City youth attendant Frank Dei and my wife Carola end up in Switzerland, when their alcohol-free cocktails are enjoyable ...

City judge Frank Dei and his wife Carola end up in Switzerland, when their alcohol-free cocktails inspire his greater faith. | Image: Claudia Ladwig

Mathis Schuller brought his own compositions and other songs with him, before Uwe Ladwig’s Dixieland-Kapelle did not take the Bühne-übernahm and the Guest with some music to heart.

Großes Angebot an international Speisen

There is a culture war going on over the corporate culinary world. The position of the Cultural Bridge is powered by the Motto “Stockach is(s)t bunt” all Ehre: 13 Personen hatten 20 Verschiedene Mitrichten en dabei rieige Vielfalt an Farben und Formen, Gerüchen und Geschmacksrichtungen abgedeckt.

The cultural bridge is the motto of the cultural heritage: 13 persons have 20 destinations in different countries. Clean...

The cultural bridge is the motto of the cultural heritage: 13 persons have 20 destinations in different countries. Please allow 19 hours since all purchases can be purchased quickly. | Image: Claudia Ladwig

Die Nachfrage war so groß, dass gegen 19 Uhr bereits fast alles bekauft war. “Es kam alles sehr gut an“, Yasamin Lashgari resumed. Christiane Pieper and the übrigen Helfer boats are sailing Abend aber noch Linseneintopf as well as Gemüse and Couscous an.

Ukrainian Women Said Several Dances. You begin the choreography when you are working with your best accompaniment.

Ukrainian Women Said Several Dances. You start the choreography when you are working with your best accompaniment. | Image: Claudia Ladwig

With the right marketing information, the marketers can focus. All the crêpes of the Bürgerstiftung were made – otherwise as Winterzauber dieses in the reworked variant. Margot Kammerlander, who with his Mann Wolfgang, the Vorsitzenden der Bürgerstiftung, and another Helfer in the Stand-war, will experience the beautiful atmosphere of the Veranstaltung.

It could be interesting


Pictures of the premiere of “Stockach is(s)t stootslag” (1)


Non-alcoholic cocktails are good

The city music sold gets new art, which is enjoyed and the free bar at Carola and Frank Dei alcohol-free cocktails. “We have two riders: Virgin Sunrise came in front of everyone with children well. Many adults choose the Gin Tonic”, says the city youth caretakers. I think it is worth using programs and publications. If the family of the guests war more than one of the many years continues, the only Veranstaltung in Stockach has fallen after a number of solo finds.

A Wiederholung is a hard worker, as Katharina Riedle said in her Opening Speech: “In 2025 this should no longer happen.”

It could be interesting


Pictures of the premiere of “Stockach is(s)t stootslag” (2)


Stimmung and information about Fackelwanderung

In the city garden I find a small city walk with Oswald Stetter and Waltraud Blässing in the long night of the soilstatt. Stetter, the years that followed by the technical service, informed the 50th century about the security and bepflanzung in the city garden.

The bad mayor Carl Walker has bought “a stätte of the Ruhe and Schönheit” woolen, which still has not received any guests from Gästen and the Stockachern themselves. “From February to the end of the frost that was here,” erläuterte er.