
Columns: Escobar’s Flusspferde zum Abschuss freegeben

Columns: Escobar’s Flusspferde zum Abschuss freegeben

A court in the columbians who have gone through the hunt for the Flusspferde time, the von the einstigen Drogenboss Pablo Escobar in the country brought and his grim vermehrt haben. While the level became the “ecological Equal Weight” in the region, so the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca.

The Dickhäuter native of Africa was one of the Drogenboss Pablo Escobar in the Colombian region of Medellín and became a village in the south of a true beach. The flusspferde tribes of the few specimens of the Escobar in the 1980s for his private zoo in Africa that takes off.

The former Colombian drug boss Pablo Escobar in December 1991. photo alliance/AP Photo

The former Colombian drug boss Pablo Escobar in December 1991.
The former Colombian drug boss Pablo Escobar in December 1991.

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Escobar’s Flusspferde zum Abschuss freegeben

After the mighty Drogenbarons had a police effort in the year 2013, the Dickhäuter-freigelassen would have taken place. It is a core of an area that is a part of the Magdalena-Fluss, where the Behorden will follow the entire Tierwelt and die at the Strom living people bedrohen. In addition, there must be around 166 river horses on the way.

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After making a sterilization for a sterilization of the number of tons that are in place, the columbian treatments are as simple as “invasive” Art. If you visit the city in Mexico, or if you use the Philippine umzusiedeln, this will not work anymore. It focuses on the fact that there is no “sterilization”, come on the “control setting” in Frage. (afp/mp)