
So say a vitamin B5 deficiency in the diet

So say a vitamin B5 deficiency in the diet

Vitamin B5, such as Pantothensäure, is heard by the group of water-soluble B-Vitamin. The vitamin occurs in all cases – depending on the name, it is also known as “pantos” (“from overall”). These mangelerscheinungen no longer occur, while in this article they have the symptom of a German Unterversorgung aufgelistet. Look for a table with empfohlenen Lebensmitteln der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE).

Wirkung: Wofür benötigt der Körper Vitamin B5 (Pantothensäure)?

Vitamin B5 (Pantothensäure) is the active component of the coenzymes and is of great importance for energy metabolism. Pantothensäure is in all cases very sensitive and is useful, with Fette, Kohlenhydrate and various Aminosäuren abzubauen.

The European Body for Health and Safety (EFSA) is responsible for the health benefits of health care and health claims. Für Pantothensäure since four clear health claims have been submitted. Vitamin B5 works normally as follows:

  • Energy metabolism
  • Synthesis and a more normal substance of steroid hormones, Vitamin D and its own neurotransmitter
  • Prescription of Intolerance and blackout
  • witty performances

Other health problems that are not excluded from erasing the disease: “The disease that causes a pantothenic juice in the lipid substance, in rheumatoid arthritis or the sports disease that is no longer possible,” is one of the complaints of Larry E I am MSD manual.

Vitamin B5 is used in food, the following substances are added:

  • selected amino acids
  • Blood dye Ham
  • Cholesterol
  • Provitamin D
  • Gallic acid
  • Acetylcholine

In the background, the role of energy metabolism and the generation of nerve substances Acetylcholin with vitamin B5 is added to the “Brainfood” method, who is it Consumption center shared.

Tagesbedarf: Who noticed vitamin B5?

Who has the Gesellschaft for old Vitaminforschung messages, adheres to the Vitaminbedarf of individual Energiebedarf and is demnach of the Bewegung in Alltag. The DGE has an overview after a different light. Werte wurden zutetzt 2021 angepasst: Zuvor lag der Schätzwert bei 6 Milligramm am Tag, nun empfiehlt die DGE 5 Milligramm am Tag. If Zahlen acts as a treasure, the foundation is laid for the duration of cooking in the Population. Check out the following here:

  • 0 to under 4 Monate: 2 mg/Tag
  • 4 to under 12 months: 3 mg/day
  • 1 to 4 years: 4 mg/day
  • 4 to 7 years: 4 mg/day
  • 7 to under 10 years: 4 mg/tag
  • 10 to under 13 years: 5 mg/day
  • 13 to under 15 years: 5 mg/tag
  • 15 to 19 years: 5 mg/day
  • 19 to under 25 years: 5 mg/tag
  • 25 to under 51 years: 5 mg/day
  • 51 to under 65 Jahre: 5 mg/Tag
  • 65 years and older: 5 mg/day
  • Pregnant: 5 mg/day
  • Still: 7 mg/Tag

Mangle and vitamin B5: Symptom bowls vor

A vitamin B5 mangle gilds when it is selected, the pantothenic acid in small mixtures in all food products forkkommt. If the DGE itself to a pantothenic acid arms, no symptom of a symptom can occur. An extreme company said it has followed the sale of vitamin supplements and the following branded items:

  • Intolerance
  • drudgery
  • Depression
  • Travel time
  • break
  • Magenthmerzen
  • Kribbeln und Taubheit in den Zehen (“Braining-Füße-Syndrom”)
  • Musk clamp

People who use the best dietary supplements (e.g. seniors or alcoholics) should use the risk groups for a vitamin B5 deficiency.

Possibility of using a vitamin B5 mangle

The vitamin B5 in any case is a source of vitamin B5, which can be used in the diet of one of the present B vitamins. For example, people with intestinal diseases can have a higher Bedarf and Vitamin B5. If alcoholic beverages are used by a vitamin B5 deficiency, the use of ethanol and ethanol by vitamin B5 can be eliminated and the vitamin storage can be caused by the Federal Ministry for a healthy message. This is one of the best medicines with stomach acid blocker or oral medication that contains a high vitamin B5 vitamin.

Kommt is zu Mangelerscheinungen fehlen women or other essential vitamin in the diet. “Ein alleiniger Mangel an (…) Pantothensäure is practically not vor”, he is in the MSD manual. The Verbraucherzentrale is a cleaner maintenance solution, the Pantothensäure wasserlöslich and hitzempfindlich ist.

Vitamin B5: Is an Overdose Possible?

Vitamin B5 is heard by the water-soluble vitamins. The excess vitamin is not spelled in the kitchen, but the urine is postponed. A treatment with vitamin B5 is not possible after examination. It is not gilded with all vitamins: Vitamin D is not suitable for DGE in the Vorsicht. An umbrella company can “a new company with kidney stones, kidney calcifications that the power of the heart-circulation systems führen” form, with the DGE-schreibt.

A sisterly dose of vitamin B5 can be of concern for risk groups, while the dosage of vitamin B5 is not as high if the rest of the diet is not separated. “Even large mixtures of pantothenic acids – despite these reference values ​​- show no health-promoting effects”, writes the Consumption center. You are more than welcome to take care of more than 10 grams at a time with light intestinal problems. The Federal Institute for Risk Management is not yet able to do this, but also ensures that the highest impact is achieved.

Welche Lebensmittel has lost vitamin B5?

Whoever has the DGE-mitteilt, has followed the following Lebensmittel a hohen Anteil an Pantothensäure:

  • Inside
  • Huhnerier
  • Fish
  • Musk herb
  • soft cheese
  • Pills
  • Nephew
  • Strawberry
  • Whole wheat flour

The DGE who merges the ringers, which come with the well-to-do lebensmitteln man on the empfohlenen-tagswert.

Vegan addition:

Portion size Food per serving in mg
150 grams Soy protein textured (TVP) 2.5
150 grams Mushrooms are fresh 3.0
150 grams Kürbis 0.5
150 grams Field salad 0.3

Vegetarian translation:

Portion size Food per serving in mg
150 grams Yogurt 3.5% Fat 0.5
150 grams Banana 0.3
125 grams Apricot (roh) 0.3
30 grams almond 0.1
80 grams Oat flakes 0.9
100 grams Whole wheat bread (2 slices) 0.5
30 grams Weichkäse 40% i. Tr. 0.3
80 grams Tomato roh 0.2
250 grams Potatoes cooked 0.8
60 grams 1 I have guaranteed 0.8
150 grams Spinach frozen, cooked 0.4


Portion size Food per serving in mg
150 ml Cowmilk 3.5% Fat 0.5
60 grams Oat flakes 0.7
125 grams Apple 0.1
100 grams Whole wheat bread (2 slices) 0.5
30 grams Gouda 30% Fett i. Tr.(1 Scheibe) 0.1
150 grams Trout cooked 2.5
250 grams Potatoes cooked 0.8