
Warum die Kinder das Modegeschäft ihrer Eltern übernehmen

Warum die Kinder das Modegeschäft ihrer Eltern übernehmen

Family entrepreneurs are forced in the fashion sector to do years of re-examinations, such as the online laws and costs under pressure. In recent years, more fashion topics should be found in the course of time, but we do not find any connten. FashionUnited has four children’s fashion fashion fashion clothing: the first generation to deal with designing clothes and choosing new generations. Was it motivated to die at that time that it was like that, and how you would see the world for the Zukunft?

From small in advance

Maral and Arden Aykaz say that they are aware of it, that they want the Ledermarke in the Vaters and Onkels. “The weapon started in 1985 with the eye, a leather specialist became there. Before a war it is a self-defense mechanism that takes over power. Darauf has schon in young years krimpbechiet”, Arden explains.

“We expect other students to work in a supermarket, work as students in the office and work more and more for Arma. Schließlich has taken over management,” to Maral Hinzu. Arden has an Abschluss in the Betriebswirtschaft, with Maral, the Marketing Manager, Design Chef and CMO ist, an Abschluss in the Communication hat. They became übernommen of the subdivision in July.

Auch Fabienne Tran, Inhaberin und Geschäftsführerin des Mehrmarkengeschäfts Diwali Alkmaar, wusste schon früh, dass sie das Geschäft ihrer Eltern übernehmen wolllte. “I was already eight years old and loved it,” remembers Tran. Ihre Eltern, who was in the Netherlands from Vietnam, was in vogue in 2004, a fashion or unternehmerische Erfung. “You can be small and enjoy my life with ease,” Tran said.

Where the Studiums of the International Business Economy have begun to translate Social Media Manager into another fashion form, is a Tätigkeit, it is worth connecting with my Studium. In November 2020 Tran was Mitinhaberin von Divali Alkmaar and in June 2020 busy with the full implementation.

Fabienne Tran from Divali Alkmaar.
Fabienne Tran von Diwali Alkmaar. Image: Fabienne Tran

Jeroen Bezu, the sister of Schwester Pascal, the Kette Joy House of Brands with his family, said that he has the college of the Erfordernissen van de Arbeit in a different past tense. “Schon kaalte ich das Ziel, das Geschäft meiner Eltern zu übernehmen. Bei meiner Schwester is different. “Sie war sich da nicht so sicher“, erzählt er.

A family nunternehmen zukunftssicher machen

For children, the modern fashion industry, it is important that the tradition of the unternehmens become aware of the innovation they offer. Bezu erzählt, dass sein Studium an der Utrechter Fashion Business School TMO ihm geholfen habe, Gleichgesinnte in der Modewelt kenzulernen; People who know themselves who are their owners, are able to concentrate on segments of fashion. “I would like to be able to make my own faster movements and the load even better,” he explains. “Night now of the Laden themselves, look at the Experience for the Arts and the Products, which we purchase, are always a Schritt voaus signal.”

“Set your time with changes at the Marktfest. Der Wettbewerb is intensive for everything in the other segments. The learning environment of the inner city and the back corridor becomes smaller and a lot smaller in the form of a watchtower of the large cauldron, but it cannot be otherwise. I am coming this month with the new generation of Bezu, a new form of Multilabelgeschäft in Roden in der Nähe von Groningen. “The Joy-Geschäft was born from 2,500 to 3,000 quadratmeters and completely new shapes,” says Bezu.

The new generation of the Spitze von Arma has started with a new brand for the commercial market in Leben-gerufen: Studio AR. “We are concentrating Arma, our emerging brand, more on the premium segment at the same time”, says Arden. “We are going online and focusing on the B2B market. We are firmly committed to working together with our individual trading partner. The organization of the Beispiel could cause changes in our lives, which would prevent our social media channels from developing. We are expanding internationally and are becoming bare on the American market”, says Maral.

One of the ways you can use the machine is that it is a bit wise to answer the street of your choice. “As a laborer is important, the labor is of great importance and that is also the case,” it says. “Angesichts verwaisender Laden in den Innenstadten we think, that we with our own Geschäften deutlich our own Gesicht says sollten.”

Whoever is there is an older service, which has a personal soul, for the family that has a separated family business. “There is a personal service that makes Diwali possible. When you come into the charged state, your regularity becomes visible. The children can play with a game, enjoy and give gifts. If you want to do this, you can use a label for all shapes.”

Sister and brother Pascal and Jeroen Bezu are at the helm of Joy House of Brands
Partners Pascal and Jeroen Bezu lead Joy House of Brands. Image: Joy House of Brands

New generation, new ideas

The second generation of the Spitze of the other fashion subjects is no longer familiar with the Eltern, but brings a new idea of ​​its own into the underworld.

After the Arma übernommen hatten, Arden and Maral established new workers in one. „First, it was a matter of time, that is why we have a great organization. If all goes well, there is no question of more free time and responsibility, but it is a flexible inheritance concept,” explains Arden. “The difference between the previous generation and the hierarchy is more important,” says Maral Hinzu.

Bezu and his Team has made a change of direction. “Make sure that you get a cleaner product and a higher quality of your concentrations,” he said. It is possible that a German shift in positioning takes place in a charged state. “This conscious separation we have grown as a company from a middle in a higher segment,” the fashion company hints.

Zeitlose Weisheiden of the first generation

Bezu says that there is a greater response to the Value-Blessing Eltern. “During the Corona period, I must take my debts to keep my workers inside”, he says. For art and well-being, while the power of the corona pandemic challenges, there is a great current on its own Rerangehensweise as another power. “It is important that the workers: have the feeling, that is no longer for the Load work, then it is one of the Load ist”, says.

The second generation of Arma who won the corona pandemic has won a weighty experience: “A father who has won a large part of the time and his verzirkern, the approach to the rechnung can be carried out. It would be so that it was geschätzt. That said, what is it, also in difficult times with the child:innen mitzudenken”, so Arden.

Arden and Maral’s parents are who I have become: I mumble in finance and my father is in strategic questions. “My father keeps us in business, in the meantime he leads us to the foundations for our divorces,” Arden said. “It is a fact that many people fall, lose, it is a free time, to make mistakes and to learn what to do,” Maral Hinzu says.

For children, who are fashion savvy with alternative woollens, give Tran the following tips: “If you are not a business owner because of your financial gain, this industry may not be a good idea. Schließlich is a heart’s desire. I am very happy with my family’s work; If you see it, and it might be true.”

Bezu nießt jeden Tag met signaler Schwester en dem Team aus engagierten Mitarbeiter:innen en signaler Familie. “Kein Tag is who the other, and the power is so old. We live without change, and all learn from others.’

This article is available on Survival and bear bite by Simone Preuss.