
The Harvard Crimson

The Harvard Crimson

As a recent sophomore (who still accidentally says “freshman” sometimes), this new school year has been quite different. Whether you’ve been upgraded to a gorgeous riverfront suite or banished to Cronck, starting your second year of college has its quirks. Life outside the Garden is a whole different experience! If you’re an upperclassman reading this, hopefully you can relate to and mourn the loss of some of your most iconic freshman moments. If you happen to be a member of the class of 2028, maybe use this list as an opportunity to remind yourself of what you have to be thankful for before you, too, are sent home.

Cabot Science Library (no longer exists)

Oh, Cabot Science Library, you were there for me at my worst. When the Sunday Scaries started, I could always count on you pset answers friends under the stunning fluorescent lighting. How I miss the MQC → Cabot → Brain Break pipeline. While I will never get nostalgic for the *CRAZY NOISE LEVELS* on the 2nd floor, I do regret that my Remy viewing will be drastically reduced.

FlyBy (the meal service)

The takeout rush in Berg between classes was the only thing that helped me not have a lunch break last year. Unfortunately, I’m now relegated to a soggy FlyBy sandwich instead of the ~delicious~ grape pizza. I stare with envy at the white takeout container of the freshman next to me in Math 21A.

The old ones of the class are

Speaking of freshmen in Math 21A, I am NOT used to being the oldest student in the class. The talk of pre-orientations, convocations, and comp consulting clubs is not for the faint of heart. Despite still being in the younger half of the student body at the university, I feel like a dinosaur compared to the freshmen who the Sweaters from the brand “ONE CRIMSON”.

*Really* have to choose your concentration

As someone who chose to go to a ~liberal arts college~ to defer decisions, having to declare a concentration is a day I never thought I would have to face. But the “you have so much time” days are over, now is THE time to choose. While I know this declaration will be far from permanent (I changed my mind AGAIN), the lack of freedom is palpable.

Not knowing everyone’s lessons

Gone are the days of hearing about “Econ 10A, Math 1A, LS 1A, and Freshman Seminars”. Now everyone is taking such a variety of courses and I feel like I’m learning something new every day! This is pretty cool because I don’t have to have the same conversation over and over again, but it also leaves me with a sense of dread that I’ll never be able to explore all of these different subjects!

To be (somewhat) on time

This goes without saying, but despite living outside the garden, I somehow assume that nothing is more than a five minute walk away, and being late is the result.

All in all, it’s weird being a sophomore. It feels like just yesterday I was sweating through my own convocation, and now the class of 2029 (this year feels fake) is working on their college applications!! At least I don’t have to deal with freshman housing anymore, but sometimes I still miss living in the garden.