
ROUNDUP/MONTE CARLO: Rückversicherer müssen met Ende des Preisanstiegs rechnen | 09.09.24

ROUNDUP/MONTE CARLO: Rückversicherer müssen met Ende des Preisanstiegs rechnen | 09.09.24

MONTE CARLO (dpa-AFX) – The great Backpacker is worth a lot of effort in the past and years a little later in the future. During the yearly branch meetings in Monte Carlo, the leaders of the World Market Leader Munich Re (Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft), Swiss Re and Hannover Rück boasted that they were open to the world, with Allianz, AXA and Generali (Assicurazioni Generali) hohe Risiken etwa door Naturkatastrofen, Haftpflicht -Abort Complaints and Cyber-Attacks. The sharp price increases will take a while and will eventually be found.

One of the stock markets could disrupt the new developments. The stock market stock of the world’s largest back insurers Munich is short-lived after the start of trading at 0.1 percent. For the Swiss government’s paper there is a value of 0.3 percent, the stock market stock of the Hannover back is pivotal at 0.1 percent.

This Saturday (7. September) the return insurers meet in the Monaco Fürstentum with customers and brokers. In the Monaco Fürstentum much time is spent on the price and the conditions for the large turnover of the years that last the years. In the course of the years the return of the German price can take place.

Munich-Re-Vorstand Thomas Blunck said his industry is looking forward to further growth in 2025. If you find the market “in a good weight”, says the manager in the Sonttag. At the very least, the premium acceptances were no longer as grim as where you let it. From 2024 to 2026, the Munich industry was examined in the damage and accident insurance sector for an inflation correction of 2 to 3 percent per year.

In the three years that the Premieneinnahmen the Angaben-zufolge hinges were an etwa 4 Percent per year gestegen. This can be an inflation clause that is not appreciated. More money must end up in the German money, a risk and a greater risk. The only damage inflation falls after the insurance segment other than the Ascent of the consumer price. For all car and building damage there are strong costs and construction costs.

With the Anstieg der Rückversicherungspreise auf knitter Front könnte es aus Sicht des Weltweit drittgrößten Rückversichers Hannover Rück vorbei sein. If sales continue to increase in the year that the price and condition in the damage and accident recovery sector will increase, the level will be at the 2023 level, the Dax-Konzern (DAX) reported at the Montag. A number of first-line markings show a slight pre-isnachlässe.

Hannover-Rück chief Jean-Jacques Henchoz boasted that the measures for Rückversicherungsschutz auf einem angemessenen Niveau zu halten. So write the Kfz-Versicherung in Deutschland auch 2024 rote Zahlen. Since 2025 in Diesem Segment weitere Preiserhöhungen zu erwarten. Attractive views of the Hannover Rück hingen das Naturkatastrofengeschäft in North America.

Weiteres Wachstum erwartet de Branche bei der Absicherung gegen Risiken rund a Computersysteme en Internet. Munich is going ahead with the Cyber-Versicherungsmarkt 2024 from 14.1 to 16.2 billion in US dollars. The Prämieneinnahmen in diesem Bereich lasted at 19.7 billion and until 2027 at 29 billion dollars (but 26 billion euros). Laut der Ratingagentur Standard & Poor’s has started considering half of the cyber risks and reversing the results.

All the information about the Branchenriesen is taken into account for the major health risks involved. So how Munich proceeds with Cyber-Kriegen with state-owned enterprise activities in the deferred expenditure. In the year 2024, the Konzern in diesem Bereich became a Rückgang seiner Prämieneinnahmen with 1.8 Billiarden US-Dollar. By 2023, amounts of $2.2 to $2.1 billion had been sunk.

Unterdessen fordert die München Re in others Geschäftsbereichen weitere Prämienerhöhungen. Zwar sei is de backversicherern thanks to higher income and compared lighter damages 2023 gelungen, your capital costs to earn, such as Blunck. If you see the Vorstandskollegen Stefan Golling in Munich If you have the Abschluss van Verträgen view, you can no longer see any of the old Konditionen.

Because it is becoming increasingly difficult to get one of the experiences of Zahl von Schwergewittern with Hail, Tornados and Hochwasser on a Waldbränden. Solche Ereignisse has united in the German language over the years. The Swiss economy has achieved the prosperity gain by the natural catastrophes in the four-year passage of the Mark of 100 billion US dollars (around 90 Billion Euro).

The machines of the Collection Layers sector can be purchased by the industry – for everything in the USA. In the past seven years, Swiss Re has been running in the first line of litigation costs that US liability damages amount to 57 percent above. All in the year 2023 this month has received 7 messages about a message in a study.

The Trade Meeting “Rendez-Vous de Septembre” took place in 1957 in the Fürstentum Monaco statt. Das Treffen an der Côte d’Azur dauert noch bis Dienstag. Dort became more than 3000 Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer from 80 Ländern erwartet./stw/men/ngu