
Sports honor: Swiss Paralympic experience in Paris that will follow the Paralympics

Sports honor: Swiss Paralympic experience in Paris that will follow the Paralympics

A satisfied Peter Läuppi: The chef of the Swiss delegation mission is returning to Switzerland with equipment, but the accommodations have been severely affected
A satisfied Peter Läuppi: The chef of the Swiss delegation mission is returning to Switzerland with equipment, but the accommodations have been severely affected


Swiss Paralympic experience in Paris over the following Paralympic Games. If the chef of Mission and the sports chef no longer eat, then the Schweiz can make 21 medallions.

During the Swiss Paralympic Games for the 17th Paralympic Games in Paris, chef Peter Läuppi, who is a high-ranking Marke, can prepare the 27-member delegation of the delegation for the medals. There are 14 gibt Läuppi as Richtwert an.

No, eleven Wettkampftage apart, sits in front of the imposing Hôtel des Invalides in Aargau and sees Bilanz. Now Marcel Hug and Catherine Debrunner organized their marathon for the double gold medal and won the Swiss Paralympic Games of 20 and 21. “So a man can’t get enough of a performance,” says Läuppi. “I’m very fond of the athletes and athletes.”

The quartet caressed

The delegation has been included in a medical team and the athletes have prepared themselves for the high demands they face. Lauppi stretches the Breite in Team Heraus, sprich, dass de Schweizer Delegation nicht nur in nominell starksten Disziplinen Leichtathletik (13) and in Cycling (5) Medaillen geholt habe, sondern eben auch in Schwimmen, wo Leo McCrea über 100 m Brust Gold and Nora Meister über 400 m Crawl Silber hollows. In a natural way in badminton, Ilaria Renggli of Switzerland has protected a historic medal premiere.

“Wir wussten, dass wir in dieser Delegation fell Potenzial haben,” said Läuppi. “Diese Breite is einem Grund-dafür, die sich ein Ziel deutlich übertreffenten konnten.” Dennoch: The low level of the medal is the result of the Leichtathletik Team. In Marcel Hug, Catherine Debrunner, Manuela Schär and Elena Kratter were settzt in Vorfeld the largest medieval events. The Quartett is no longer available. I am Gegentil.

Die Fortschritte der Konkurrenz

The 13th Leichtathletik-Medallen are all on the account of the four. Wobei with Catherine Debrunner and an athlete who overwhelmed others. Sechs Mal stand the 29-Jährige in Paris in a final, sechsmal holte is a medal. Fünfmal were they golden, once, over 100 m, silver. It is no longer the case that Andreas Heiniger comes in Staunen.

“What Catherine has been blessed with, is quite sensational”, said the Sports Director of the Swiss Paralympic delegation, of the Leichtathletik-Team in Paris, who this time had an English hat. Also with Marcel Hug, after the two silver medals at 5000 m and 1500 m bronze at 800 m altitude, this is the Paralympic Games with Marathon-Gold krönte, great is the superlatives and says: “The achievements of Marcel can not be estimated high enough.” When the Konkurrenz, from China, in recent years has received an enormous fortress of material and professionalism. As soon as one of the people comes out of the closet, Hug is four times Gold Hole in Tokyo, but it is no longer the case that there is no talk of an event. “These times are past”, said Heiniger. «Da machen die Nationen zu schnell Fortschritte.»

Manuela Schär is proud to be the Sports Chef in particular, as the Lucerne rider in his last track races with a gold (800 m) and a silver medal (400 m) awards. Gerade on one of the Gesichtspunkt, the remaining Rennen are no longer as good as the Gusto of 39-Jährigen liefen and about 1500 m to a Sturz roadstecken mustste. “Sensational, when you see the 400 meter long hat.” A jumper in Elena Kratter is a gelungen, in her Leistung of Tokyo, if she falls Bronze, her best. «Das joy mich riesig für sie.»

With one, two Ausnahmen are the athletes and athletes who gelungen, their performance abzurufen, Heiniger states. If you do not agree with a medical medal, then it may be that you have obtained a diploma.

Rank 15 free from the Chef

Sowohl Delegationschef Läuppi as also Sports Chef Heiniger is wichtig, that is proud of the Freude über the hereditary Paralympics in these years since the sport heir was ever setzt in Relation. “If we are not able to have the experience, that is always the case with those who live in Paris,” said Läuppi. A Heiniger believes that he has achieved a career in the Athletics Team with outstanding talents that have competed for many years in various disciplines for medals. If you come for everything, who jetzt for Manuela Schär, the time of year starts, it is no longer possible to start the Bahn. Heiniger said: «Wir müssen die Ansprüche etwas dämpfen. Tendenziells were in Zukunft im Verhältnis schon few Medals were.»

It was Peter Läuppi who said that in Switzerland he had 8 gold and silver medals that ranked bronze in the medal table 15 years. “It is a scratch and a look, which athletes and athletes have made a global comparison.”
