
Schoko-Marke des Weltweit great YouTubers come to Germany

Schoko-Marke des Weltweit great YouTubers come to Germany

Cooperation with MrBeast: “Feastables” chocolate exclusively in the EDEKA association.

  • Four new Schokoladensorten ab sofort in Deutschland erhältlich
  • Exclusively at EDEKA, Netto Marken-Discount and Marktkauf
  • Cash voucher promotion with profit on MrBeast event
Photo rights: Bryce France – Photographer: EDEKA ZENTRALE Stiftung & Co. KG

With more than 300 million subscribers: MrBeast from the US is the largest YouTuber in the world. Seine videos were regularly published over 100 Millionen Mal. MrBeast, with civilian names James Donaldson, is a flawless Unternehmer. The new Kreation, the Schokoladenmarke “Feastables”, is now coming to Germany. In German retail trade since the four Sorting zum Start exclusively at EDEKA, Netto Marken-Discount and Marktkauf erhältlich. The e-inführung is carried out through a number of active communication activities on all digital channels.

Milk chocolate, Milk crunch, Peanut butter and Almond – this is how you will find all MrBeast fans who will find four types of “Feastables” chocolate exclusively at EDEKA, Netto Marken-Discount and Marktkauf. Brand activities will start on the digital channel of MrBeast, EDEKA, Netto and other Content Creator: these are available. Parallel to Start you will find a German Kassenbon action statt, at the question: in the Kassenbon of the Feastables chocolate you can find the QR code on that is loaded on If you have a gold-plated voucher then if you have released a ticket, you are exclusive to MrBeast-Event at the end of September. Further chances of winning have the opportunity to benefit from the Beaster Advent calendar, on the social media channels of EDEKA and Netto Marken-Discount are received. Here you show an attractive Gewinne in Gesamtwaarde of approx. 150,000 Euro. Look here for the Kassenbon as Loose. Extend the communication with Messe-Präsenzen and in the EDEKA and Netto-Kund: inside magazines, with Aktionsplakaten via Instore-TV on POS and in Netto-Handzettel.

Food trends at EDEKA

The Youtuber Chocolate from StartHub, the innovation platform for the EDEKA association, was acquired. The StartHub team is busy launching new products from the startup scene. Here, the chances are greater that your innovation will be quickly and uncomplicated in the EDEKA government for presentations and the latest food trends of tomorrow. Look at the possibilities: on the new Scouting platform, you can take photos and descriptions of the food products that were discovered, for example, in vacation or on social media, and uploaded. It was worth finding the products on the EDEKA market. More information about StartHub can be found here:

EDEKA – German Heritage Unternehmer Initiative

The profile of the medium and socially responsible EDEKA associations is based on the hereditary ambition three steps: Federally, around 3,400 independent buyers of EDEKA are sold to a face. They are aware of electronic commerce in the role of resellers, of the quality of life and of the gender. If you are involved in regional wholesale, the Frisian products are sold in the EDEKA market and the expansion themes and their pages can be expanded. The coordination of the EDEKA strategy takes place in the Hamburg EDEKA headquarters. It is worth carrying out the national warfare with the hereditary ambition campaign “We love food” and a probable impetus of the realization of verbundübergreifender Ziele.

With most other Netto Marken-Discount-setzt there is an inheritance policy in the Discountgeschäft. Fachhandelsformaten with trinkgut or NATURKIND, the cooperation with online shopping services for picnic and the large sales with the EDEKA Foodservice runden the breite Leistungspektrum of the Unternehmensverbunds ab. EDEKA launched 2023 with beef 11,050 Marks and beef 410,700 Mitarbeiter: in a Umsatz of 70.7 Billions. Euro. With more than 19,200 Auszubildenden, EDEKA is one of the leading Ausbilder in Germany.