
New bond financing agreement for a minimum amount of €3 million pending validation of the continuation plan Page 1

New bond financing agreement for a minimum amount of €3 million pending validation of the continuation plan Page 1

Disclaimer: SAFE SA (the “Company”) has arranged financing in the form of convertible bonds into new or existing shares (OCEANE) with Global Corporate Finance Opportunities 20 (“GCFO 20”), which, following receipt of the shares resulting from the conversion of these bonds, does not intend to remain a shareholder of the Company.
The shares resulting from the conversion of these bonds are typically sold on the market within a very short period of time, which can put strong downward pressure on the share price.
Shareholders may lose their invested capital as a result of a significant decline in the Company’s share price, as well as significant dilution due to the large number of securities issued to the GCFO 20 fund.
Investors are advised to exercise extreme caution before deciding to invest in the securities of a listed company that engages in such dilutive financing transactions, particularly when they are conducted consecutively. The Company wishes to point out that this is not the first dilutive financing transaction it has undertaken. Investors are invited to familiarize themselves with the risks associated with these transactions as stated in the press release dated March 14, 2023.

Fleurieux-sur-l’ArbresleFrance – September 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM – Safe SA (FR001400F1V2 – ALSAF) (the « Company ») announces the implementation of an amendment to the flexible bond financing entered into with Global Corporate Finance Opportunities 20 (“GCFO 20”) on March 14, 2023 (the “Agreement”). Under this amendment, GCFO 20 has committed to finance the Company up to a minimum net amount of approximately EUR 3 million under the Agreement, to support the implementation of the Company’s going concern plan.

GCFO 20 undertakes that this financing will be carried out through the subscription by the Company of twenty (20) tranches (the “Additional Tranches”) of bonds convertible into or exchangeable for new and/or existing shares (the “OCEANE”) of a nominal amount of EUR 209,000 each, to be subscribed by GCFO 20 at 97% of their nominal value in accordance with the terms of the Agreement (excluding any commitment and waiver costs payable).

The Company indicates that two (2) Additional Tranches have been issued to date and that in the future there will be a period of twenty (20) trading days between the drawdown of each Additional Tranche.

Net proceeds from the issue

The net proceeds from the issuance of all twenty (20) Additional Tranches amounts to Euro 3,006,600.

Theoretical Impact of the OCEANE Problem