
Freising: Autofahrer auf Schulanfänger eighten en immer bremsbereit signal. – Freising

Freising: Autofahrer auf Schulanfänger eighten en immer bremsbereit signal. – Freising

The long summer vacation lasts long and my service starts with the debt. Many Buben and Mädchen are the first debt in their lives. Police and traffic wardens appeal to the car driver, to Schulanfänger, as “swächstes Glied” in Straßenverkehr ganzonder zu achten and with entsprechend erhöhter Aufmerksamkeit voausschauend zu fahren. Otherwise, so the police, must earn more money from a certain debt path than from child protection: The debt path goes with the child hole through the infancy and goes to higher levels and the situation becomes bigger, so that the situation can be trained. If you have the certainty that you no longer lose money on the debt burden. Schulanfänger has never had to deal with the Fahrrad zur Schule-fahren, so the Polizei. The hereditary orders of the street traffic are a sixty-year-old, nor are they grown. The police in Freising, Neufahrn and Moosburg began to commit his debts with a neural punk in Umfeld to a debt and one of the harrowing frequency debts.