
“Wer wird Millionär?”: Günther Jauch understands “Albert Einstein recharged”

“Wer wird Millionär?”: Günther Jauch understands “Albert Einstein recharged”

“Who will become a Millionaire?”
Günther Jauch begged “Albert Einstein reloaded”

From Kai Butterweck

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A radio moderator, a food designer, an Amtsanwältin and Baden Württemberg’s best summary of the years 2018: Wer hat auf Deutschlands begehrtestem Ratestuhl bei “Wer wird Millionär?” that best karting?

As a revival and a span of “3-Millionen-Euro-Woche” in “Wer wird Millionär?”-universum of the Alltag zurück. There are no more consequences for the lock time of the beets. And so Kai Losert fell on the Hof under the impression of the Auswahlfrage. Provide a passionate radio moderator on the rate and kämpft for an amount of 32,000 euros.

Amtsanwältin Eva Ix stolpert über zu thicke Kartoffelgratinscheibchen. Amtsanwältin Eva Ix stolpert über zu thicke Kartoffelgratinscheibchen.

Amtsanwältin Eva Ix stolpert über zu thicke Kartoffelgratinscheibchen.

(Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)

“What can man, in order to quickly all sauté, not?”, Günther Jauch will know. The 50-50 Joker may have found more answers: “Photosynthesis between” and “Vitamin C production” (the correct answer). If the Klugscheißer daheim on the couch prepares the 64,000 euros again, Kai Losert prefers the foot of the gas pedal. So it is no longer possible to use the first version of a Pontiac Firebird in the “Knight Rider” mode, but you can fall for a few renovations in your own home.

Two Candidates follow, who in their larger “Wer wird Millionär?” moment have different ideas. The Anfang power Eva Ix from Greverath. The Amtsanwalt in Rockabilly-Look comes after the 2000-Euro-Frage in Stolpern, and is the “Appenzeller Sennenhund” no Begriff. Glücklicherweise can help the Publikum. Kurz is aware of the hiflos, denn bei der Frage “Was soll – een bekannten Küchenweisheit zur Folge – im Idealfall so dunn sein, dass man dadurch Zeitung lesen könnte?”, ist sich die dreifache Mutter sehr sicher, thats sich here a “Gratin-Kartoffelscheibchen” trade. Leader where the “extensive strudelteig” is the right Antwort gewesen. So the total cost of the cake was 500 euros.

Exam? A Blow!

What happened?

“Wer wird Millionär?” is abortive on RTL+.

One of the reasons why Schicks studied Physiker and Philosopher David Danin. The common Sauerländer, the mittlerweile in Amsterdam, sorts a lot further than the rest of the world. Before you continue for years with the 18-year-old Kandidate, this 893 of 900 möglichen Abiturprüfungspunkten. Damit wurde is zu Baden-Württemberg’s best Abiturienten des Jahrgangs ausgezeichnet. Dem Besuch des renommierten Schloss-Internats in Salem followed a Studium in Oxford. At the Laufbahn you will pay Günther Jauch Zwischenapplaus. “It’s been a while since Albert Einstein has been reloaded,” said the Showmaster. So it’s not like it’s a candidate.

The gelatine liquid becomes lighter than a stronger facial sauce pressure. Spätestens are one of the Bereich Altherren-Popmusik, see themselves as candidates who combine the Augenbrauen. Also the telephone joker was not, in May 2024 here on the big “75 Live” Tour. It may be that the Zusatzjoker no longer helps. If it is good, it is clear that it is so. “Das muss Herbert Grönemeyer gewesen sein”, he is from the Publikum. David Danin has born the “Hilfe”, in the hope, which the 16,000 hours can jump to the. The doll is like Stolperstein. Not Grönemeyer, under Westernhagen, was the right Antwort-wish. And so the chance of winning 500 Euros fell back on the evening.

A Food Designer for Experience Course

Food designer Tesle Bus is happy with herself. Food designer Tesle Bus is happy with herself.

Food designer Tesle Bus is happy with herself.

(Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius)

The self-chosen Food Designer Telse Bus can bring the big goose to the Siegerstraße. The native Hamburger quacks a lot, but is also in the low, technically absolved. This grateful helper of Jokerhände is in the Uckermark one of the most important candidates for the Tür with the inscription “16,000 Euro, here a little”.

Now it is also said: “Wessen Siegel says a stylized chrysanthemum with 16 blossoms?”, Günther Jauch will know. The Candidates will give a tip about “Kaiser Nahurito”. Bill! A little in the stream does not go further than Else, the next Hollywood film that is in the stream. There would have been 32,000 euros on the digital winnings table – a rain of money, for the applause and the tatsächlich, nor a fourth Candidates who get the chance to come. For the larger amounts that are given by the acquaintance of Raphael Standhaft, he was nevertheless patient, but the prize of 500 euros is not as big as Siren.