
Geotechnical reforms since ihr Ding

Geotechnical reforms since ihr Ding

Production and trade of Schutzbauten: It is part of the general operations of the company PHG Geoservice GmbH with Sitz in Matrei. We continue with the Schaffung von Infrastruktur, formed by Stahlbau, a segment of the Unternehmens. All your hydraulic engineering or photovoltaic projects are reworked by these companies and people have ended up in road construction in the car wash. I am Einsatz man under the Sammelbegriff Hoch- and Spezialtiefbau, Erdbau and Lawinenschutz, woman rasche and efficient Lösungen offered. Firmenchefs sprich Geschäftsführer and a Gesellschafter since Hansjörg Preßlaber (74.9 Prozent) and Mathias Steiner (25.1 Prozent). Beschäftigt became insgesamt eight Mitarbeiter.

Special steel constructions

The company PHG Geoservice started in 2006. “As the company was launched in the year 2021, the PHG Geobau GmbH was established in the future and could now be built on its own terms and conditions,” informed Hansjörg Preßlaber. So it is another human being engaged in spontaneously directing nature to respond and become gentle. Hanging structures are used for special structural construction. “Dafür haben wir owne Hangverbouwssysteme“, please delete Preßlaber. Zum Wegbau says the Geschäftsführer: ‘Ob Erschließungen for Bergbauernhöfe and Almen, Zu- and Auffahrten for Grundstücke or Way for Forestry – we since überall diet in Einsatz, wo grund herausfordernder Gegebenheiten foutahrung anyway that the construction and labor material gefrag It’s a shame.”

Spezialarbeit wurde am Dachstein ausgeführt

Spezialarbeit wurde am Dachstein ausgeführt


The company can form an arbitral decision. There is a longer period in which a large private photovoltaic system with 500 kW peak is aimed in Virgen. Also in Virgen build the company the suspension bridge on the Iseltrail. During the war the PHG Geobau General Unit. For the Iseltrail the assembly for the steel bridges in Ainet and Prägraten can be carried out. I am Kraftwerksbau, a man working in Zwickenberg am Bauen. Two private water power plants are aimed at the Firma am Bretterwandbach in Matrei, one in Ainet.

Renaturation for the Kraftwerk Tauernbach

Renaturation for the Kraftwerk Tauernbach


Aufträge von Privateen und Gemeinden

This is the man who is in the Trinkwasserversorgung. A solche Anlage that built the Unternehmen etwa in the Stüdlhütte in 2800 Metern. Auf Schutzhütten und in exponiertem Gelände a biological Kläranlagen were fertigt. „After the Dachstein has a special deposit for the glacier formation, for the Neubau des Dachstein Gipfelhauses“, says Preßlaber Einblick in the Arbeit seiner Firma. PHG Geobau’s know-how was fragmented during the construction of wasserkraftwerk in Tauernbach. Preßlaber: “Wir haben im Vorjahr Renaturierungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt.”

Let the man not go further than Privaten. This was done by the community of Sanierungen in the Straßenbereich, where the Trinkwasserversorgungsanlagen are directed.

Wegsanierungen with special construction systems

Wegsanierungen with special construction systems