
Volkssport Wandern in Gefahr? | DI | 10-09-2024 | 6:25 PM

Volkssport Wandern in Gefahr? | DI | 10-09-2024 | 6:25 PM

Damn shelters, brutal ropeways, broken paths. The time and possibilities of climbing hiking are based on the hiking infrastructure in Austria. The Alps have had a long alarm period, while the tens of millions go to the right halt of the files. The government has quickly – yet quickly before the decision – taken a few million euros.

Schutzhütten in de Alpen abseits von Straßen, Strom- und Wasserleitungen, Kanal und Handynetz zu bereiben, ist mühsam en teuer. But the huts are more than a meeting place for leisure activities in the Berg and great gastronomy, as well as leisure activities.

Why do huttenwirtinnen and -writers make a job? What developments might be interesting? What was the big problem? The Journal Panorama is located in the mountains.


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