
Kreuzfahrt: Paar geht a Bord – en kehrt no more nach Hause zurück

Kreuzfahrt: Paar geht a Bord – en kehrt no more nach Hause zurück

A Kreuzfahrt is a whole spezielle Art, die Urlaub zu verringen. If it is one of the most beautiful things, see more and more in the Blick zu haben, bevorzugen others a hotel a einem festen Ort ohne Rettungsweste or unruhige See.

If a couple from the US come, it must first take 52 years before the first Kreuzfahrt is undone. Lanette Canen and Johan Bodin immediately spent a whole 16 days on the lake – and in the end never returned to their house.

Passengers enjoy a pleasant life

The couple from Maui in the American state of Hawaii is warmed by the first Kreuzfahrt trip, hosted by “Business Insider”. “Most people say they are in drei, four or more nice things that the desire does more, on the ship to be. It has been 16 days, and the wool will not go away anymore”, says Bodin.

Lanette and Johan no longer look the same in their other lives. If Schiff had to leave the house after two weeks, we would go back to Weltreise. Take care of your new purchase “Villa Vie Odyssey” and trade an Entscheidung. If you feel like vaping, you can go to the Weltreis for a year and immerse yourself in your bishish life in Maui.

+++ Kreuzfahrt: Irre, was night an Bord abgeht – “Adults only” +++

Cross-country: Cabins worth 89,000 Euros

One of the 509 cabinets on the Schiff site is ready to buy the American-American in the car rental business with 31 Fahren. If you see a cabinet with a “barrter investigation”, the price “Business Insider” costs about 100,000 dollars (around 89,415 euros).

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That does not come with monatliche Gebühren von etwa 3,500 Dollar, die das Ehepaar door de Einkünfte seines Autoglasunternehmens decken. Lanette Canen is such that life in the Kreuzfahrt probably ends up on Maui. “We travel on a small budget. It’s very clear for either one.”