
Edeka-Konsument is annoyed at Kassenbeleg – “That’s the first thing”

Edeka-Konsument is annoyed at Kassenbeleg – “That’s the first thing”

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A post on Reddit has shown a learning gut siege from Edeka and the highest level of Hohn. The siege was apparently too long.

Gerbstedt – I am the Internet with everything on theme. Rote Bändchen und Golf-Stoßstangen, kuriose Geschichten überinteressante Bauweisen, auch Bilder von dristen Falschparkern und witzige Schnitzel-Creationen or auch Entdeckungen, die Userinnen and User on Supermarkt machen, land on de platform. As the viral virus spreads, it becomes one of the most successful, controversies and ideas for an entertaining debate in the net.

First, start with a Reddit user on the subreddit r/Pfandbon A picture of leather barrels, it is an Edeka hat. The radler takes a picture of the Pfandbons and posts it with the message “Es ist das eerste Mal, dass ich eine so long Bon habe”, on the platform. See the following comments. Pfand bottle themes are often found on Reddit. A message about one of the Swedish Pfandautomaten could be sent with 1274 messages from Reddit users and user comments.

Reddit user at Blick auf Leergutbon stutzig: “I am a reicher Mann”

“The Getränk cost 89 cents. Ich bin ein reicher Mann“, the end is the end of erasure. Woraufhin ein User comments „Yes, get 15 Cent Flaschen. Intense.” This is followed by a critical look at another user: “I am very satisfied with my experience, but I have the right to do so, so much paper is exchanged as well as other Unternehmen”. few Tags. The State Secretary goes to the Cash Registers for small Strichcodes to Scanning and the SB Cash Registers.

If you have found the 15 cent coupon, the Strich code is no longer printed in Querformat on the Zettel. The power is longer. Where there is a high format broken off, where the Zettel is naturally German short. However, the main issue is that the coupon is released at the cash register in the supermarket. And that is not the case. Most people who have taken the Zettel into the family have gotten into trouble. Manche Sole traders are allowed to light up as a special service, the coupon is released as a branch exchange. There is a lawsuit that the Verbraucherinnen and Verbraucher but does not have, so the Verbraucherportal Bayern.

Learning gutbon power Reddit-User stutzig: Spending statt Pfandgeld mitnehmen

A number of machines are less good at learning money and expenses. In Edeka-Centrum in Sulingen beispielsweise kamen im vergangen Jahr so ​​4459.74 Euro zammen. Der Betrag kam einem Tierheim zugute. In Kirchweyhe, Edeka-Kundinnen and Kunden have spent 1700 Euro every day at Lions Club Bremer Süden with their Knopfdrucks.

Whoever wants to return his money, should press the right button. Often they both lie very close to the coin machines, one after the other. If the coupon and the cash register are a little mistaken, it can be a purchase and the cash register next time. It is the Verbraucherzentrale Brandenburg that has spent a long time at the end of the years, in these printed words. But quickly a coupon is put in the trouser or jacket bag and lands together with the blankets in the washing machine.

Wer sein Geld zurückhaben will:

  • Datum und Geldsumme müssen gut lesbar sein
  • The Strichcode in the best way is recognizable and not anymore, damn is one of the Kasse a scan lässt
  • I am the best in the Supermarkt-Filiale einlösen, in der er druckt wurde

Quelle: Verbraucherzentrale Brandenburg

On Facebook you are looking for a Lidl-Kassenbon for Erstaunen. There are dates from the year 2002. There are benefits for the Lebensmittel in the Kartoffeln, Eier and Milch for Verbrauchende and the Supermarkt- and Discounterkassen which have exploded. (she)