
High quality Vorträge and events in Urbanem Grün

High quality Vorträge and events in Urbanem Grün

Neben branches van bergreifenden Angeboten find Fachbesucher speziell for my Belange konzipierte Programmpunkte with zahlreichen Möglichkeiten, sich auszutauschen, zu netzen and zu leer. Innovative formats with the DIGITALISIERUNG PRAKISCHE GESTATEN and the GRÜN-BLAUEPFAD were reinforced and consistently improved in 2024. Bewährte Highlights of the striking and imposing figure Messareal des Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts-, und Sportplatzbau e. V. (BGL) – “Zukunft grüner Lebensräume” – or the Landschaftsgärtner-Cup ended up in those years of besucher magnets.

The Outdoor area will open in 2024 with the action activities for the Land Construction and Surface Care in the E-Mobility Area. Various specialists and selected activities for GaLaBau operations, landscape architects and developers from municipalities and property run the program. The program for the Leading Fair of the green industry offers a multi-faceted format, the active promotions of the industry with innovative solutions have begun: The GRÜN-BLUE PFAD has achieved a number of positive results in 2024 in connection with climate adjustment.

The Vorreiter der Branche can bewerben in the Vorfeld der Messe voor de Teilnahme and wurden von a Fachjury ausgewählt. During those years, additional guided tours in Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule Osnabrück, Institut für Landschaftsbau, Sportfreianlagen and Grünflächen were organized. Geführt von Branchenexperten became interested in fachbesuchern ausgewählte Teilnehmer-Betriebe vorgestellt. Der Messeauftritt des Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts-, und Sportplatzbau e. V. (BGL) – “Zukunft grüner Lebensräume” – posits dies Jahr das Thema Wasser in de Fokus. Besides sustainability and climate change, an invisible theme for the industry. The stand is a reference point for investing and rolling out various proposal formats and price trends.

Around digitalization

With the Innovation Hub, the GaLaBau first-year studies and activities are bundling a theme innovation in Halle 3C: at the Forum DIGITALISIERUNG PRAKTISCH GESTALTEN you can conduct trends and practice-oriented research to inform digitalization in GaLaBau entrepreneurs. Power interviews offer personal information with digitalization experts and craftsmen who provide inspiration and practical experience. A community stand of the Young Innovators presents 26 German start-ups in their products and new developments.

The Foreign Office of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) can make initial contact with the young years about whether they can work. There is a representative of the innovation spots of GaLaBau-Branche. 14 international startups present themselves at the GaLaBau in the community stands International Startup Area of ​​the factory and present their product innovation.

GaLaBau Innovations Medal

On the way to Innovation Hub you will find interesting information about the winner of the GaLaBau Innovations Medal. Whoever in the year of the BGL this Auszeichnung for important technical innovations vergibt, has carried out a year ago. Exhibit, Wettkampf and Know-how for GaLaBau Business GaLaBau Business finds in the Rahmen program an extensive program, a Wissen of vertiefen, you can come to the messenger and in the Exhibit to come: The GaLaBau Camp in Hall 3C is for exhibitors and most junior professionals of the green sector of the highlights of the fair – for networking, weiterbilden and for career planning.

Das Camp proposes de Netzwerkgedanken in de Mittelpunkt: met kurzen Workshops und Anlässen voor Begegnungen, Gespräche und Erfahrungsaustausch. Torwandschießen, Slackline, Kickern and Chillout-Lounge are available for the “Spaß-Faktor”. Beim Landschaftsgärtner-Cup in the Messepark of Nachwuchs in Zweierteams with the German Master Title of the Landschaftsgärtner. Live plants here are spread over 4.5 x 4, m large garden layers, the extensive spectrum of landscape gardens and wider mirrors. Zwei Tage lang from 9 am for the publication of the equipment, before the Friday, on September 13, 2024, at 5 pm of the top team that was sold.

Raum für Austausch mit Experts, Unternehmen und Verbänden bieten die somfältigen Impulsvorträge, the label on the GaLaBau Experten-Forum at the BGL-Messestand was presented. De Kurzvorträge aus de Bereichen Privatgarten und öffentliches Grün, Regeln und Normen sowie Betriebswirtschaft sollen dazu serv, die important information op het inzelnen Themen kurz and kompakt darzustellen. These are all prizes and adjustments of the BGL, which are the GaLaBau Innovations Medal 2024, the BGL Bildungspreis 2024 and the ELCA Trendpreis 2024, appearing on the GaLaBau Expert Forum.

The outdoor activities at the fair attract professional visitors. The outdoor area is an important magnet for GaLaBau businesses that provide for the transfer of municipalities and professional equipment. The activities areas for land construction and surface care offer the opportunity to experience new machines and equipment live and in action. In the e-mobility area, there are a number of new construction and care machines municipal vehicles with electric drive in the modern mode. A number of landscape architects and representatives of the municipality and the organization find their interest in a higher level at the level of the GaLaBau Landscape Talks in Hall 2 es Grün klimafit!” auseinander. As time goes on in summer, the hot periods last longer.

Answers to current questions

Make sure that art no longer works and that the system changes itself. Grünflächenämter, Galabau- Betriebe, Landschaftsarchitekten and Baumschulen have answers to active fragments here. Provide an overview of the BSFH and Playground@Landscape with factory and Ausstellern information about all information, the man for the control and the wartung – playing field of Spielplätzen, Spielorten in Schulen and Kindertagesstätten or Skateparks – delete from sollte.

New to the Landscape Talks is Neext’s program. Dieser hats seel, auf Grundlage der Innovations- und Gestaltungskraft von Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Industrie das Bestehende to hinterfragen and a wettbewerbsfähige Zukunft zu gestalten. In Halle 1 you will find Besucher den Themenbereich Spielplatz, with perhaps new attractions for Spielräumen and -geräten. The Bundesverband der Spielplatzgeräte en Freizeitanlagen (BSFH) hosts the BSFH Meeting Point, a meeting point for the Bewegungsraum.

Vorträge bietet auch der bdla (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten) in de Rahmenprogramma voor Landschaftsarchitekten in der Halle 3A. In the Fortbildungsveranstaltung, Baubesprechung will support, among other things, the Sicherung and Förderung of Artenvielfalt and Biodiversity in urban Raum in Fokus. The results are based on planning, construction, care and management of design and construction projects. The presentation of “FRISCHGRÜN – Ausstellung junior Landschaftsarchitektur” carries out the program.