
Vorschau: TV-Tipps am Dienstag

Vorschau: TV-Tipps am Dienstag

TV tips on Tuesday

"Mord mit Aussicht: Mörderspiel": Marie (Katharina Wackernagel, left), Heino (Sebastian Schwarz, right) and Jenny (Eva Bühnen) pack

“Mord mit Aussicht: Mörderspiel”: Marie (Katharina Wackernagel, left), Heino (Sebastian Schwarz, right) and Jenny (Eva Bühnen) tackle the Mordwaffe with their Beweissicherung in a Plastiktüte.

© ARD/Frank Dicks

So you don’t have to send any more. Here you will find all the program highlights on the service on one page.

20:15 Uhr, Das Erste, Mord mit Aussicht: Mörderspiel, Krimiserie

In Hengasch the belief in Krimispiel is a fact that it is in the church of Pastor Putterman (Johannes Rotter) under the leadership of the involved pastoral reference Irene Kübel (Svenja Hermuth) stattfindet is. The part taker is born, but Marie (Katharina Wackernagel) is vexed, who has no idea. But later in the night the alarm is solved: Irene Kübel is killed. Marie knows very well that the meat or the meat is found under the crime clubs when they are tired. While the nocturnal removals are great, all involvement with the precarious woman Kübel is a shocking secret, who dies in the decay and the pastor Puttermanns Vorgänger-führen.

20:15 Uhr, ZDF, besseresser: Sebastian Lege at work, Food-Reportagegereihe

Sebastian Lege is enthusiastic about the extensive knowledge of the Lebensmittelindustrie. The Widmet is one of the best brands in Welt: Coca-Cola. The fact is that the lemonade with the raw bottle is not bad. Everyone knows this süße Brause, which is available in different variants: Classic, light, softened, with Vanilla, Kirsch-oder Himbeergeschmack. Ob with our own coffee, in doses, Glass-oder Plastic bottles, in unterschiedlichen Größen – Menschen auf der gezen Welt süchtig nach diesem Getränk, the global Einfluss hat. Sebastian Lege opposes Mexico and the power that exists there.

8:15 PM, cable evening, Fantastic 4, Fantasyaction

Reed Richards (Miles Teller) and his friend Susan (Kate Mara), Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan) and Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell) turn their backs on another university with superpowers. When the army enters the fight, Reed finds himself on the run. There’s a party that makes a discovery, the transformations that come their way. It’s worth meeting Dr. Doom (Toby Kebbell), who has a new wurde experience.

20:15 Uhr, 3za, Schwarzach 23 und de Jagd nach dem Mordsfinger, Krimigroteske

At the Munich Airport, the Tagesanbruch goes with Willy. There is a problem, it is verlutet and anschließend noch überfahren worden. Franz Germinger Junior (Maximilian Brückner) wintered in the fall. A right-wing taxi driver, two secret agents and the eccentric tochter of the offers bring you into trouble. There is an investigation by the Schwester Anna (Marlene Morreis), who no longer exists – a bit in the Ermittlungen. Kollege Karl (Jockel Tschiersch) vermutet, this was a big step in the corridor – and that is not true.

20:15 Uhr, ZDFneo, Ein Starkes Team: Die letzte Reise, Krimi

In the Westhafen there are a few Wachmanns in the water sector, but it is no Hinweise on the Täter. Nobody seems to have noticed anything. The strong team started with the Ermittlungen and focuses on the Augenmerk on the Spediteur Kunze (Johann von Bülow), which does not come as a larger infringement. The security check of the surveillance room brings a poignant impression into view, which leads to a good treatment. One of the things that Ben Kolberg (Kai Lentrodt) does is a tribute.

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