
To find out: Eating habits can cause Alzheimer’s disease

To find out: Eating habits can cause Alzheimer’s disease

Viel Gemüse, Obst, Hülsenfrüchte, Vollkornprodukte and Olivenöl – the Mediterranean atmosphere is based on the traditional Essgeohnheiten des Mittelmeerraums. Fleisch and dairy products were now mass produced – geauso wie Rotwein.

The Ernährungsweise could in most cases have a positive effect on general health. After a study from the ‘British Journal of Nutrition’ there may be a great demand for more information.

The scientist has more than 20,000 years of experience abroad in the analysis of the study. Das Ergebnis: Teilnehmer im Alter von über 65 Years, die die der Mediterraneanen Diät folgt, starben um 25 Prozent seltener während des eightjährigen Untersuchungszeitraums.

“Wir können bestätigen, dass een geauere Einhaltung der Mittelmeerdiät das Gesamtmortalitätsriskiko in einer Doses-Wirkungs-Beziehung progressiv senkt”, says Studien-Co-Autorin and Epidemiologin Licia Lacoviello in one of the Mitteilung: “With others Worten: Je closer sie der Mittelmeerdiät follow, the greater is the healthy Vorteil.”

First Study with other people

The Forschern-zufolge acts in itself with the Untersuchung one of the first studies, which is based on the Vorteile der Mediterraneanen Diet for altere Menschen konzentriert: “Wir wessten bereits, dass die Mittelmeerdiät in der Lage ist, das Mortalitätsriskiko in der Allgemeinbevölkerung zu senken. Aber wir but it is not the case that we will die a special for the last person of the fall”, so the study guide of Marialaura Bonaccio.

“Our research is a solid foundation, one of the most successful models that inspires the origins of the Mediterranean economy – the gilded for all humanity,” the fast Forscher Giovanni de Gaetano.

Who experiences the disease of man can get the Mediterranean experience to help Alzheimer. This study could now be funded by an active study in the US. This research about 4000 people from different countries on Metabolite. If there is dust, the substances or the Abbau products of material substances can be used.

The study is bad, because the metabolites have a negative effect on the knowledge of the professional ties. Four of those harmful Metabolites originate from Zucker. The metabolite beta-cryptoxanthin is used in the knowledge of research. This Metabolite is produced by Verzehr von verschiedenen Obst- en Gemüsesorten.

Metabolites in the medium term

The research ensures that the metabolites are processed in a Mediterranean environment. Once you know that it is moderate, you can use a beta-cryptoxanthin in the future. At the same time, the Anteil der jenigen Metabolites, the knowledge deteriorates, light.

Zucker also wants to gain knowledge about the disease and development of dementia and Alzheimer’s in the world, while the life of people and people in the Mediterranean era of autumn is, this knowledge of the Krankheiten can increase. You can also reduce the Zuckerkonsum consumption and in the medium term back to remain fit until ins hohe Alter.

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