
Mut and Widerstand: Two Friends Are the Nazi Regime

Mut and Widerstand: Two Friends Are the Nazi Regime

In the summer of 1943 Leo Gutmann and Jakob Steixner expected a dangerous action from the broader classes: they climbed the Olperer, one of the high Gipfel Tirol, and entfernten a 60 kilogram heavy Hakenkreuz-Banner, that the Nazis would become war. A number of things have changed that cannot be carried out.

Die Hakenkreuzstandarte am Gipfel des Olperer (3476 m) in the Zillertal Alps (Bild from: Zeitgeschichte Tirols, Tirolia/Athesia).

I have seen a part of the Zeitzeugenserie (zum Bericht: Widerstand und Glaube) in the inner development of one of the most important schools of the Reithmann-Gymnasiums in Innsbruck, which by the victory began with Georg Schuchter, a priest, in the 1930s and 40s years, but also the national socialist Unterdrückung stand, berichtete. Now in the part of the Zeitzeugenserie is a young, different Burschen, who is exterminated by the Nazi regime.

So who Schuchter war der Innsbrucker Leo Gutmann (*1920 +1972), der in der Tschurtschentalerstraße 5 in unmittelbarer Nähe des Canisianums aufwuchs and am Akademisch Gymnasium adult, am 25. May 1940 Zeuge der Beschlagnahme des „Männerheimes“. The Theology students come to the Höfen der näheren Umgebung unter. They ensure that they become soft and well cared for; the hospitality of the warm family war has died out grimly – as well as that of the family Josef “Sepp” Mair from “Glasenhof”, in the shy and Gutmann We didn’t enjoy it before we took in the Fortsetzung des Studiums later in St. Georgen am Längsee. In 1941, the Osterferien came into the house, inherited from the Aufhebung der Waldrast and visited the Family des Sepp Mair. On April 20, 2019, the Church of the Hunderte von Menschen aus dem Wipp- und Stubaital den Rosenkranz was present. Gutmann with pleasure, so there is plenty of time, in Silz living with Sohn, auf Jakob “Joggl” Steixner and the Innsbruckerin Maria Thalerunder the impression that it was in Fulpmes in the last century, später in Fendels tätige Volksschullehrerin. There is a satellite on Medizin um; nach der Heirat anno 48 übte is zwischen 49 und 72 seinen Beruf als Facharzt der Zahnheilkunde in der Innsbrucker Fallmerayerstraße 3 aus.

Gutmann wurde 1941 zum Militärdienst einberufen. There are camps with the Abschluss des Balkanfelds and a variety of fronts on the Greek Festland. The grenade splitter has failed on Crete. I repeat the war in the Sanitätsabteilung der Innsbrucker Kloster-bzw. Fenner-Kaserne, who ended the war in 1992, tätig. Dort kam er wieder mit Stone (*1920 +1985), seinem „Joggl“, jijsammen. These two – even if Leo and Joggl were happy – can be achieved at the same time, if Schuchter were in Mieders and Schönberg were in a tätig war. Who mir Monika Ullmannare Tochter, so Rosl and Luis Steixnerwhile they both considered, while they were still hereditarily hereditarily young, eröffnen, war Joggl prepared in young years a more dynamic Bursch – a person, the convivial Umgang loved and then in the parish youth and Jungbauernschaft grim commitment. Who Leo waged war with the war history: Millerowo, an Ort located 220 km north of Rostow on the Don, occupied by the German Wehrmacht in July 1942, during the beginning of 1943 by troops of the Southwestern Front of the Red Army back to the army. Whatever happens, it is a fact that the Kriegsdienst no longer has money to heal and to make up for an absence of the Kriegsdienst. About the Stationenkaserne Glasenbach near Salzburg and Jägerkaserne in Kufstein kam er nach Innsbruck, where fortan for the Munitionslager is responsible for their activities. Nach Kriegsende blieb Joggl seiner Leidenschaft, der Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft, treu, zumal er Tätigkeiten als Verwalter von Wirtschaftsbetrieben in Hall in Tirol, Zams und Volders ausübte, before there with signal Gattin Paula Lenhart zurück nach Schönberg zog, a dort first one of the Simelerhof zu führen. The Stelle Wurde 1968 das Hotel Stubai founded.

Leo and Joggl It was a good idea to look at the time in the Klosterkaserne Teil an engmaschigen Netzes of Widerstandsgruppen. If there are no more problems now, the damage is caused by an opaque period, when it will occur. For this war „the stolze banner Großdeutschlands“, “We require a total weight of 60 kilos”das – wie die „Salzburger Zeitung“ (Freitag, April 29, 1938, page 8) reports – von der “SA of the Magnesitwerke Tux in the Zillertal… on the 3480 meters above Olperer…” gehisst, schon longest in Dorn im Auge. Ihnen were die Worte des Bergliedes “Wenn ich auf hohen Bergen steh” – “Die Berge sind mein Gotteshaus, der Jodler mein Gebet, hoch droben auf den Bergen der Herrgott selber steht!” – best trusted.

“The King of the Tuxer Alps” is an alpinist challenge, the striking Gestalt das Landschaftsbild in Wipptal Richtung Brenner bestimmt. Lions and Joggls before entering the hose, the wider position becomes more likely to be viewed. With Mut and Optimismus, two die, who will always reform themselves as cyclists and mountain sports enthusiasts, the Verwirklichung ihrer Idee in Angriff, denn “If a Glauben-gibt, the Berge verstzen kann, so the Glaube is its own Kraft” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach). In addition, you will be antragten in the Secretariat of the “Deutschen Alpenvereins Zweig Innsbruck” the “Mitgliedskarte”. When the time comes, the two major events will be “beaten” and will be a celebration, which will therefore be politically clear. Das Gelände, in that case, war in the Valsertal, and the Ende sich heute noch Spuren find a complete Bergwerksanlage: Abbaustollen, Erzseilbahn and Aufbereitung. It focuses on Kriegsgefangene, Zwangs- and Fremdarbeiter in Italy, France, Jugoslawien and the Soviet Union. Under the Kommando of the Wehrmacht, the attack on the critical Edelmetall Molybdän is sweetest; It’s not safe. At the end of May 1942, 59 men “Ostarbeiter” arrived in Außervals an; dort – gegenüberliegenden Bachseite at the Schneiderhof – war a Gemeinschaftsbaracke aufgestellt. Aufgabe der Gefolgschaft war es, Straßen- und Kabellegungsarbeiten zu underground. The Bergbaumannschaft des bereits started in the summer of 1941 and started war in the winter in the geraerhütte and in the tourist camp of the huts.

Am „Schneiderhof“, genannt das „Pergerlehen“, 1568 first erwähnt (siehe False. Court and Familyhg. Franz Tscheikner-Gratl), were the result of the best efforts in the world to be a master Alois Schrödermy Brother Hermann and my Schwestern Notburga and Joseph zuhause. It was noticeable that you ended up in your carefree “Eastern Workers”. “Burgl” puts for you and the rest warm soup and bread prepared. If you personally take into account that time, then it is not that the business is carried out in such a profitable situation, if you can do your work. It is bad here, that Josefa “Seffe” Joggls Stepmother war; Here are the two places to live in Schönberg with Geschäftsinhabers, Gastwirtes, Landwirtes and Viehhändlers Johann „Hans“ Steixner. Joggl was allowed to be and live in his Vorhaben. „Seffe“ informed about the Schwester „Burgl“ about the tollkühne of the Swedish Haudegen, the free entry in Joggls Day Book at the beginning of the 32nd week of the year 1943, am also Monday and Tuesday, on 2 and 3 August, vonstatten went. A step higher than it is a ski, which can be deutet as a standard with the banner.

With the power of the Wheel, the Klosterkaserne is on the Road to Schneiderhof. If you go up to the heights of the beautiful mountains in the Tenne, spend a time in the open air on the wheel and in the inner valleys of the Altereralm over the Alpine hut – and the Wilderness of the mountain. rise . You can view the upper part of the rod at a distance from the Banner Hinunter. If you put in the effort to achieve the results, this is a problem; About the Frühnebeln you must be free to live without boundaries. Kurze Zeit später Leo seinem Bruder Paul, der gerade in Saint Valery und Caux am Ärmelkanal in Einsatz war, een Postcard met de Worten “The Olperer is feindfrei!” Unpleasant.

By Christian Rosenkranz


Leo Gutmanns Firmpate war Anton Muller (*1870 +1939), known under their pseudonym Brother Willram. When a Zimmermann family grows up in Bruneck, there is talk of guilt in the Bischöflichen Institut Vinzentinum in the Brixen priests’ seminary. 1892 was celebrated in Brixner Cathedral as a Priest. If you encounter a poetic war, it is true that the poet ‘Neteborn’ will, in this übliche war, suffer the Mitglieder Künstlernamen. The next time I see it, the name is completely clear under what is now known as the pseudonym. In 1903 the war started in the ‘Unrest of the Art of Others’ as Religieslehrer and the Lehrerbildungsanstalt / LBA in the Fallmerayerstraße-tätig.

Müller’s literary Schaffen is one of the most important, including Kurzprosa and Lyrik; letztere umfasst 25 Gedichtbände. Eines der Heimatgedichte is the joy of the story of “Jungtirol”. It depends on who follows: “Gott and Heimat! Fromm und bidder / Über alle Berge hin / Wird der rote Adler wieder / Frei der Freiheit Kreise zeehn.” The war of Leo Gutmann, who has in his backpack a small idiosyncratic wooden table, on the last stanza of the songs, is a war that has arisen. Afterward with Jakob “Joggl” Steixner is a part of the Stange with the Hakenkreuzbanner abducted and over the rock and ice party warf, they fastened the Table on the rest of the Stange.

After the action that deserves the greatest respect, Gutmann pulls in Innsbruck on a friend, while he starts his negotiation, it is the best option and the way the Holztafel is opened. Gutmann plays the questions and gives no comment ab. Also in Schönberg war is no secret, the Holztafel of the Hakenkreuzbanner is ersetzte.