
FTSE 100-Wert United Utilities-Aktie: So there was an investment in United Utilities 5 years ago

FTSE 100-Wert United Utilities-Aktie: So there was an investment in United Utilities 5 years ago

So Gewin was given a new impetus in the United Utilities-Aktie Anlegern.

Before 5 years the United Utilities-Papier was traded via Börse LSE. This trading day is available for United Utilities-Papier for 7.66 GBP. For 5 years 10,000 GBP in the United Utilities-Aktie-investment hat, which now has 1,305,142 Anteile in Depot. From 09.09.2024 to 10.75 GBP (Schlussstand) believe, where the investment investment is now worth 14,023.75 GBP. The graftspricht is a plus of 40.24 Percent.

This means that United Utilities are responsible for a Börsenbewertung in Höhe von 7.33 Billions. GBP.

Bitte beachten, dass in obenstehender Rechnung Aktiensplits en Dividendenzahlungen nicht berücksichtigt.

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