
Backup & Recovery and the Role of AI, Immutability and Air Gap

Interview with Hermann Behnert, Managing Director at SCHIFFL IT, angry about the backup process and the next steps.

If you are concerned about the swedish IT service providers, backups are closed and powers a data recovery removed. No more. Mr. Behnert, although the factory settings are completed, the Backup system has become a so-called “Zunehmend zum Ziel von Cyberangriffen”?
Hermann Behnert: Backup systems have become attractive, often giving them data specifications. Cybercriminals recognize that the compromise of backups increases the ability to suppress and disables recovery options. You can use a backup system that is as secure as production management. The advanced complexity of IT infrastructure is very suitable for cybercrime.

Who can find this background a safe way to perform the recovery and backup and restore procedures?
Hermann Behnert: The cyber security systems offer a number of possibilities and robust backup and recovery solutions. A solution that fits into the Idealfall more technology combinations is an effective protection that ensures that data deletions and a fast recovery get an uncritical date. If you have a full-fledged isolation by air gapping and one-way replication, it is very useful to create immutable backups and AI-supported validation.

Would you like to know how to integrate air gaps into backup configurations and how to implement one-way replication with data isolation?
Hermann Behnert: An air gap in backup systems creates an isolation of production systems and backup systems, which can be physical or logical. It can happen that the media or the use removal of the medium is interrupted. Soul, both malware and ransomware cannot be stored on the backup data. One-way replication offers the possibility to restore a unidirectional data flow from the production system to the backup system. Since it is difficult to use the backup system on the production network, this is made possible. The combination of air gap and one-way replication provides a robust view of the cyber wiring, reducing the area of ​​​​anxiety and adapting the integration of the backup data.

Another critical element is immutable backups. Was the power of this technology so private?
Hermann Behnert: Immutable backups are unmatched data, which are protected by more security and control functions. If it is good, the backups can be one of the most recent developments that are later changed or modified. Selbst administrators with full rights can not comply with the high demands. Realize the technical security by special security mechanisms with the Write-Once-Read-Many technology (WORM) or Object Lock in Cloud games. These problems can prevent the data integrity from being increased and manipulations from being performed, while the system display or the NTP servers are hindered. Immutable backups can provide a high protection against data loss and manipulation.

Welche Rolle spielt Künstliche Intelligenz in een solchen Konzept?
Hermann Behnert: In modern backup and recovery solutions, AI can play an increasingly important role. If so, it can be anomalous to recognize and be proactive in responding to fraud. In concrete terms, intelligent algorithms can index and analyze backup data, a muster to recognize and deviate with an accuracy of 99.5% of its identification. An AI-driven analysis platform scans backups in isolated files for indications of ransomware and data damage. While waiting for the processing and the known malware sample, the administrator of the early investigation and response to fraud was not active.

Would you like a Beispiel for the Einsatz of KI in Bereich Backup & Recovery erläutern?
Hermann Behnert: A practical description is anomaly detection. AI systems continuously analyze backup data and compare it to your stored patterns. If active or active data is running, the system is activated and can perform automatic screen savers with isolation, sandboxing, snapshots and automatic display. IT teams perform detailed analysis of the best identification data. AI prioritizes the critical data and orchestrates the process over more system recovery. This proactive approach ensures data security, minimizes manual input and reduces the response to serious incidents.

Who sees a meinung after the optimal einsatz of Security and Backup technology with data security and integrity of his data?
Hermann Behnert: An ideal combination of complete data isolation during Air Gapping and One-Way Replication, very suitable for immutable backups and AI-tested validation. These technologies bring their potential in combination, making them high-performance and cyber-attack-proof backups. This data is a separate, unobtainable data source, which contains the integrated and highly secure data.

If you want to make a concrete decision from practice, what are the plans?
Hermann Behnert: Now, NASA has combined Air-Gap technology with AI… But we remain on Earth: The August 2017 construction site in Hamburg has implemented a DELL backup data security solution, with a second Data Domain Appliance in A “Cyber ​​​​Vault” hinting at a Firewall platform and now an Air Gap that offers more power. These machines are more reliable than the system and backup data. The Centre Léon Bérard in Lyon has a new design, where the AI-founded Anomaly Detection, an unparalleled Backups and an Air-Gap Strategy can be combined. For healthcare and healthy credit, the costs remain on a secure data backup and a resilient infrastructure, which the specials that offer a sensible dish.

What challenges do you see when installing backup and recovery solutions?
Hermann Behnert: One of the biggest challenges is the integration of different technologies into the best IT infrastructure. There is a wrong planning and collaboration with the IT teams of the external teams. If you want to expand the components, a new system is effectively used to be able to work. Another question is the continuous monitoring and adjustment of the system, one of the most common standard beddings that you can stop.

How do you see the integration in your backup and recovery?
Hermann Behnert: The backup and recovery software is fully equipped with the integration of advanced intelligence and machine learning and the implementation of immutable backups and air gap. We will increasingly use automation and intelligent systems, which will work proactively to respond and integrate data. Cloud backup technologies were used with a number of role-playing games, which are performed automatically, the basic security, the fast recovery and the protection against ransomware by creating closed backups and continuous reproductions. If you are looking for an external, flexible and flexible solution, you can invest in the physical infrastructure in müssen. If you want to delete the data, there is an exceptional trennung of the data, which the Schutz in regional catastrophes erhöht.

How would you like to take care of your backup & recovery?
Hermann Behnert: You can regularly manage your backup and recovery strategies and adjust the active operations. It is important that a combination of new technology and that it fits into a large number of integrated solutions. A smarter strategy, coupled with automated processes, ensures that the broader state of affairs is increasingly large. It is a good idea to perform regular tests and tests for lung recovery lung diseases, solve a problem, the system in severe cases is done quickly and effectively.

Who wants to perform a backup and recovery restore using the following elements?
Hermann Behnert: There are multiple backup solutions combined with air gapping, one-way replication, immutable backups and an AI-supported validation for maximum data security. It is possible that you can use one of the most important role plays, while having a very light efficient long recovery process for data storage, virtual servers and cloud databases. The problem with these complex re-appointments is that they can work with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) as a strategic solution. MSPs have a lot of expertise in the area of ​​critical analyses with compliance management, technical implementation and continuous monitoring of AI systems. This overall support is possible, the possibilities of KI-developed backup solutions are fully available and flexible regulatory arrangements are implemented so that the performance of the system is optimized.

Hermann Behnert

is a Geschäftsführer at SCHIFFL IT and Leiter der Technik.