
La-la-la-la-lahhhhhh – The slog

La-la-la-la-lahhhhhh – The slog

A few Slogposts ago I had the following opinion:

The biggest problem with the multi-screen, smartphone-driven digital life we ​​have created is that it is – from start to finish – a charter of liars.’

The five primary senses, namely sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, tell us much more through a factory instinct than just digitally recorded words.

The Internet and its immediate offshoots are no guide to the person who may be two screens, twenty emails, and perhaps at most one language away from themselves… only your five primary senses can judge what exchange is actually taking place, namely: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching the experience we are living or undergoing.

Because if they’re not there, then you have to assume it’s not real. It’s tele. Derived from the Greek word for ‘far away’

A few Slog followers found the claim somewhat unjustifiably cynical, and that is their right. But in the light of a new week on the rocky road to destructionI would go even further.

I look back at the injustice of the state versus the citizen during and after the Reagan-Thatcher era and see that during their cunning Anglo-Saxon love affair, workers in the First World saw a 27% decline in real purchasing power. The wealth did not trickle down, but flowed up to a few crooks like Gates, Musk and the Saatchis. And the bureaucrats the Ronnie-Maggies claimed to hate were overpaid and more numerous than ever.

Let’s not forget that Reagan only came to power in the first place by cutting a deal with the Secret Service via the Pentagon, where the Iranian mullahs delayed the release of their American hostages to make President Carter look weak. After accusing the peanut farmer of being wasteful, Reagan overran the largest national debt increase in history. Biden the Bountiful despised that debt in just one term. Ronnie was GOP and Sleepie is a Democrat. Bush Sr. was CIA from 1952. There is no political choice in the US. There is only a permanent Nasty Orwellian state war against the American people… and the main weaponization from now on is not nuclear, but digital: carried out by the internet and its satanic kin of bioterrorists, climate doomsayers and greedy, distracting soi disant entertainment media.

Across the Great Pond that divides two nations confused by a common language, I see in my own homeland what I call the Great Debate, where any sense of human reciprocity, decency, and long-term cultural defense is being ruthlessly eroded before the discussion can begin.

I hope many of you will remember Slog’s camaraderie and deep commitment to the organisation – and the source of many wonderful friendships since – from 2008 to 2020 in support of UK Women Against State Pension Inequality (Waspi).

You can read the full history here, but the Sun’s headline reads that this cowardly, self-righteous denial of civil rights remains the most outrageous and despicable fraud ever perpetrated by a British government: it chose to denigrate and financially rape traditional 1950s-born women, seeing them only as “easy targets and low-hanging fruit”.

If such a raid had ever taken place in the private pension sector, everyone involved would have ended up in jail.

Living in France at the time, I lost many “friends” in the British expat community of Aquitaine who couldn’t resist playing the “I’m alright Jack fuck you” card as their unpleasant and inhumane way of dealing with an amoral disaster. I now see that loss as a gain: a long overdue eradication of the self-righteous bourgeois complacency that will never understand the civilized need to remember that “there but for the grace of God go I”.

The 21st century failure to get full WASPI Justice remains the parallel of my British culture with the spineless European acquiescence in Hitler’s remilitarization of the Rhineland on 7and March 1936.

“It defied belief,” a German told me at a Wannsee lecture in 1965. “He marched into the Rhineland armed with cardboard mock-ups and no ammunition to withstand a League of Nations response. The General Staff believed it would lead to his downfall. But the lack of resistance only served to fuel the myth of Hitler’s ability to make the bold gamble count.”

The same goes for allowing the UK Department for Work and Pensions – its various incarnations and mediators (also Blairite-Brown Labour, Cleggite-Cameron-Osborne coalition and Tories) – to reach a stage in 2024 where millions of women who have been deprived of their civil rights now occupy a little box on the DWP website, dismissed as – and I quote – “we no longer consider their cases to be relevant to our responsibilities as care providers”.

Well done, if you can get it, eh?

What we should have done in the UK after 2004 was to stop staring inward and instead force these unelected psychopaths to emerge from their slippery, icy hiding places and face the consequences.

But we blew that.

Then we ruined the WOMD farce.

Then we rejected the evidence that EUNATO had blatantly interfered undermine the Brexit vote.

Then we blew the Chinese-American Covid distraction nonsense offered by us Anthony Fauci….a man who changed his version of events in Wuhan more times than most people change their underwear.

Then we revealed the unexplained existence of Pentagon-funded bioweapons labs from north to south of Ukraine’s border with Russia… and exposed Ukrainian “leader” Zelenskyyyyy’s Colombian habit of marching gunpowder.

Then we missed the opportunity to put British Health Secretary Matt Hancock behind bars for lying to Parliament. as serving Minister of Foreign Affairs when he insisted that Covid ‘vaccines’ were a clean slate.

Then we first allowed Boris Johnson’s ‘wife’ in – and later, Fishy Sunak at PMQs – get away of disgusting attempts to convince us that a largely untested mRNA bioweapon with a 32 percent success rate was exactly the right answer to the question a virus invented and improved by a military-funded Chinese-American military operation.

There is a site on the British internet that focuses on

I applaud its objectives, but in the context of radical reality their starting point is: not supported by empirical evidence: wThe people of the First World have no organization working for us anywhere.and

The office-cum technocrates function of only two goals in mind: first, their ability to follow the orders given to them by the 0.03 percent of whom hardly mysterious goals for Planet Earth are not hard to discern when you are awake rather than awoken; and secondly, to apply club-foot techno claptrap to treat human citizens as mushroomS: kept in the dark, but occasionally shovels of horse manure are thrown into the cellar.

I can only recommend you to watch this classic stand-up comedy show by the late American great George Carlin:

What we see here is the Truth of 24k solid gold.

The Internet has accelerated the speed at which the New Normals can build their 3D world – a world of Distraction and Distortion as a medium for Deception.

I first blogged about the 3D strategy twelve years ago, when my optimism about its potential for online resistance had not yet been drowned out by a decade of “Blowing It.”

Over the past three years, it has become abundantly clear that compliance with laws and regulations as an online lifestyle has eroded the next generation’s trust in the whole concept of grievances against the state.

It is, if you will, a self-fulfilling prophecy: smartphones bring out the narcissist in every selfie-taker and fulfill the endless tribal need of Homo sapiens to stay in touch with a minimum of effort. So why complain – what’s not to like?

When you stop fighting windmills, the relief is immediate.

From now on, there are blogs and websites to name the guilty men, as the News of the World used to say.

Off-grid is the only option that offers the elements of surprise and fear that we so desperately need as the New World Order as a whole must be effectively sabotaged… and ultimately reversed.

Ultimately, the failure of neoliberal monopolism and the Grand Theft Autism of the infinitely greedy citizenry will wake them up and make them realize that We the People pay the price. The goal of Off-Grid must be to make the real depopulation lunatics unable to turn their Dr. Strangelove ambitions into action.

At the same time, we all have to grow up and learn to live with the reality that no matter what we try to do in the near future, almost no one on planet Earth has even the faintest idea of ​​the terrible financial reset that awaits them.