
Gerecht Sprache in der Verwaltung: Marco Prietz is jetzt Landrätin

Gerecht Sprache in der Verwaltung: Marco Prietz is jetzt Landrätin

In a service of the Landkreises Rotenburg (Wümme) the weibliche form is used. Decide on a CDU-Mann.

Regional Councillor Marco Prietz

Hate the overall management of “Landrätin”: Marco Prietz Photo: tokography/Tobias Koch

Hamburg taz | With a service, if a small amount of people are used, which the country of the lower credits Rotenburg (Wümme) has, Marco Prietz, there are mistakes. Denn Prietz is the leader of the CDU and his district conservative. Make sure you leave the comments. There are many more likes, but the best comments are possible.

Through the social media channel Instagram, an attempt is being made to get “out of the Gründen der Besseren Lesbarkeit” in the new Allgemeinen Dienst- en Geschäftsanweisung for the Landkreis “out of the Gründen der Besseren Lesbarkeit” in personal activity that became the rarely used form. „Entsprechende Begriffe gelten im Sinne der Gleichbehandlung für alle Geschlechter.“ This is also a matter of Landrätin die Rede, die de active Landrat een Mann.

“Of course that also sounds funny to me,” Prietz says. “If you’ve ever had a woman with the bitter guilt, is it that your husband is as fast as possible?” Men may be able to carry a very heavy burden, or that is a matter of great art and a healthy reabstention.

Prietz, 36, with two children, was born in Bremervörde and is looking forward to a long-term communal political commitment, including serving as a Fraktionsvorsitzender of the CDU in the Kreistag. The management team has worked in the Landkreis Osterholz and is in 2021 with 60.4 Prozent für funf Year zum Landrat des Kreises Rotenburg gewählt.

“Where should a woman with the serious guilt bowls be, is it so that the man has not lost his guilt so quickly?”

Marco PrietzLandrat Kreis Rotenburg (Wümme)

Contacts with the Society are part of a Reihe and Mitgliedschaften: understützt the “TSV Hönau-Lindorf” as Pressewart, gehört the “Schützenverein Hönau-Lindorf” as well as the “Schützengesellschaft zu Bremervörde” and, as well as the “Club der Urgemütlichkeit” Hönau -Lindorf” and the “Schifferverein Frohsinn”. There is a support center for the Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Hönau-Lindorf, in Bremervörde support for the “Reservist Kameradschaft RK-7”, and the “Hospizes in the Swiss Elbe and the Weser”.

His former college in the Kreistag, SPD faction leader Bernd Wölbern, describes Prietz as his professional and structured. “I think it is pragmatic,” said Wölbern. If the general service is used after taking over the used form, it is a matter of weighing up, after the line has been given a practical application.

The majority is over

The Landrat himself wants to be safe, that is why “the more we are alive” is. With the duration of the weibliche description of the country district in the document, the internal rule of the rule depends on the schwierigkeiten. “The ‘Amtsleitung’ may still be good, but the ‘Sachbearbeitung’ bezeichnet then yes, but there dies Tätigkeit and not the Person.”

I think this is the text that remains. “We are looking at an unbelievable double point, a scar or a rebirth,” Prietz writes. If you are no longer in service, you can use the inhaled concentrations.