
Tomato Carpaccio with Salsiccia Recipe – (ESSEN AND TRINKEN)

Tomato Carpaccio with Salsiccia Recipe – (ESSEN AND TRINKEN)

Pinienkerne in een Pfanne ohne Fett anrösten. Peel tomatoes, cut into 2 mm thin slices and arrange on a counter. Basilicumblätter is one of the few blatters that are being hacked. Gehacktes Basilikum, Essig, 1 El Öl and Pinienkerne mischen. With salt and pepper würzen and over the tomatoes. 5 minutes of welding.

Cut the salsiccia lightly into 2–3 cm wide slices. 1 Heat the oil in one of the pans and fry the salsiccia in it over medium to high heat for 4 minutes until brown. Sprinkle the tomato carpaccio with the Parmesan cheese and serve with the rest of the basil.