
Namibia: Environmental Protection and Tourism

Namibia: Environmental Protection and Tourism

Fresher Dung. Tracks in the desert sand of the Namib. We can’t see the Spitzmaulnashorn. The Wildhüter Stefanus Ganuseb (42) and Fritz Hoeb (45) are working together with the crew and a room, in the Regelfall accompanied by a guarded police.

When the man from Jungtier, ‘Arthur’, got to work with a fernenkuppe. The team has directed the wind, a goal that does not exist, and that is not so. At a maximum of one hundred meters is the peculiar Schluss, but “Arthur” does not get any further. Nothing is noticed and the most fried: safe Halme von Wolfsmilchsträuchern. See the documentation of the men on photos and formulas for the Wildschutz organization Save the Rhino Trust.

“The main purpose of saving the Rhino Trust is the protection of the Spitzmaulnashörner for the Wilderness,” Lesley Karutjaiva stated clearly. The 47-Jährige is the Leader of the Basics in Palmwag, a village in northwest Namibia. Beobachtungstouren zu Rhinozerossen start at the Ortlichen Lodge.

The wild huts of “Save the Rhino Trust” document and protect the selected Spitzmaulnashörner. Photo: Andreas Drouve/dpa-tmn

Wasn’t the story clear yet: Ohne Save the Rhino Trust is here in the free Wildbahn, where the choice of the selection is even longer. So profit from tourism by the organization of the organization, which covers an area of ​​25,000 square kilometers. Karutjaiva estimates the stock at annähernd 200 Nashörner and begs, that is no state financial aid for the Arbeit gibt.

Controversial development

“We get nothing,” says one and says: “We only have six vehicles. The state is not important for a single area.” The state is fully provided with the police support of the patrols. Some costs – for the Ranger, the loan program or the breakthrough of the series – were generally spent.

Karutjaiva stopped the Enthornung, while ‘Arthur’ turned to one of the Swedish Schwerts. Most importantly, Nashörner is an unattractive machine for Wilderer, a 3.5 kilo horn can fetch US$200,000 on the Schwarzmarkt. “But if it is a night for your Nashörner yourself, then you can not have more time to enjoy it,” Karutjaiva explains.

This guarantees the Enthornung keinen complete Abschreckungseffekt. „Wilderer take all the Teile, selbst wenn sie nor so kleine sind“, thus Karutjaiva, there is a sad statistical review. Since 2012, 35 Nashörner der Wilderei zum Opfer have fallen. “We will spend more money, our job will be better and more personal experiences.”

Unterwegs in der Ödnis: Namibia is de best man met een Allradfahrzeug – entweder als Selbstfahrer or in Rahmen a geführten Trips. Photo: Andreas Drouve/dpa-tmn

In the course of time in Namibia there is talk of a catastrophe – the ruler has given a certain contingent and game animals to Abschuss. If it goes well with the gratitude, the hunger-leading satisfaction with the Fleisch-zu-versorgen is undone. It may be that you have an Abschusslizenzen for reiche Freizeitjäger from the outside land, mutmaßen Tierschutzer.

Human-elephant conflict

Etwa 200 Straßen- und Pistenkilometer südöstlich von Palmwag kümmert sich de Organization Elephant-Human Relations Aid eine de Schutz-sogenannter Wüstenelefanten. Here are tourists who are nutznießer and reward the teams at Ausfahrten. There is no more money from the state here.

At the end of the “Wüstenelefant” Wildhüter Taiwin Garöeb said that he was never correct again: “Es since Elefanten, die sich dem Wüstenklima haben haben. If you want to travel a long way, go to the Wasserloch zurückleg“, to the age 30. That aber hat in the Vergangenheit schon zum Abschuss valer Dickhäuter geführt.

If an elephant takes the trouble to eat at farmers and siedlers, it is always like that. Muss man Vorsorge also finds: “Wir construction protection for water bodies and separate doors from village communities”, so regional manager Charles Moloto – almost a Tier en Mensch voreinander zu schützen.

In the Protect of Treasures: Elefanten während een Beobachtungstour. Photo: Andreas Drouve/dpa-tmn

Demut for the Dickhäutern

“When an Elefanten began, I found Demut,” said Wildhüter Garöeb, at the Aktionen tatkräftig mithilft. Whoever is looking for a collage of „Save the Rhino Trust“ in Wüsten and Savanne, is a Fortbestand that Arten supports.

“Für uns ist das een gefährlicher Job, aber ich liebe es, im Busch zu sein,” said Ranger Ganuseb. Dabei leuchten seine Augen. There are all kinds of people who are different from the Schutz of the Tierwelt and who still live in the wilderness.

Links, Tips, Practical:

Travel Soul: Namibia is located in the southwest of Africa.

Travel time: Best travel time is from the end of June to the end of November; those meisten Niederschläge cases from October to April.

Anreise: Ab Frankfurt and Main wird Windhoek, the Hauptstadt Namibia, direkt Angeflogen.

Einreise: Die Einreise bis 90 Tagen is visa-free.

Unterkunft: Es gibt eine breite Spanne von einfachen Gasthäusern (from 25 Euro/Übernachtung im Doppelzimmer) over Mid-range hotels (um 70 Euro/DZ incl. Breakfast) or Spitzen-Lodges in private Game Reserves (um 1,000 Euro/DZ incl. Mahlzeiten and Safaris ).

Good health: No care is taken. Your next region is the Auswärtigem Amt a Malaria-Prophylaxis ratsam.

Währung: Ein Euro entspricht 19.8 Namibia Dollar (N$; Status: 4.09.2024). I am the best man who has money after the Ankunft in the Wechselstuben am Flughafen von Windhoek. You can buy a credit card in hotels and restaurants.

Tours/Activities: In Palmwag you can book on Nicht-Gäste in der Gondwana Palmwag Camping and Lodge Halbtägige Nashorn-Touren; Price N$ 3,285 per person, total amount 165 Euro. A Wüsten Elephant Tour can be booked on the Elephant-Human Relations Aid website; Price per person: N$750 halber Tag (38 Euro), N$1,500 ganzer Tag.

Once for Place: Namibia was marked with a few travel highlights. The tourist class is located in the Etosha National Park, one of the most likely Tierwelt areas. At 23,000 square meters, the chances are that the observation and waterholes will be larger and the pistes can be carried out under their own management. Quartiere are various camps. In the Wüste Namib-sieht is the mancherort, if it is a Steine-gereregnet. The Sternenhimmel is clear. City requirements found in Swakopmund and the architectural coast of the German Colonial Deutsch-Südwestafrikas. The Sand Dune area Sossusvlei, south of Swakopmund, is a good example. Namibia bekanntester Geisterort Kolmanskop in the Diamantenboom, der Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts einsette. Geführte Touren auf Deutsch or Englisch were announced.

Zeitverschiebung: Zur deutschen Winterzeit is Namibia a Stunde voraus (MEZ + 1 Std), im Rest of the year there is no Zeitunterschied.

Weitere Auskünfte: Fremdenverkehrsamt Namibia