
Laserfiche won the Industry Award in the Document Management category

Laserfiche won the Industry Award in the Document Management category

Laserfiche – the most advanced SaaS technology for intelligent content management and automated automation – which won the new Industry Award (the “Wealthies”) in the category Technology Providers – Multi-Generation Document Management AI Tool for Automated Document Collection. Laserfiche AI ​​document summarization can bring years to the market and shed light on it, making it easier to optimize and finance the information.

“Laserfiche for more efficient solutions for asset management firms through innovative solution automation and modern information management,” said Joman Kwong, Strategic Solutions Manager, Financial Services, at Laserfiche. “By developing hyper-automation and generative AI tools with the rationalization of back-end processes and the execution of compliance requests, the companies in the low, as the improvement of the omnichannel support solutions are present on the market.”

Laserfiche is a partner-supported asset management company that makes your Content Services and process automation tools useless, a large number of digital transformations and thus manual input and processing costs that you can reduce. Consulting companies benefit Laserfiche, one of the digital systems that has business-critical technology with CRM and e-signature applications in a single form of truth-united. The Laserfiche AI ​​document summary further enhances the product, compensates the time for the analysis of mixtures of financial documents, messages and professional communication.

Laserfiche offers continuous AI-driven functions and innovations, a transformation initiative of companies to study and develop, control over the processes of their own development and AI in large numbers.

Jedes Jahr said that the Wealthies brought together organizations and individuals who supported the Erfolg von Finanzberatern. The appointments were made by an old body of industry experts and an influential personal work, which in those years was a competitive field of over 1,000 contributions from more than 400 employees.

If you would like to enjoy more of the Laserfiche ads for the Vermögensverwaltung, you can visit the Laserfiche Website.

About Laserfiche

Laserfiche is the advanced SaaS technology for intelligent Content Management and automation of external systems. Continuous workflows, electronic formulas, document management and analysis of laserfiches®-Platform de Geschäftsabläufe und ermöglicht es Führungskräften, sich auf das Wachstum des gesamten Unternehmens zu konzentrieren.

Laserfiche offers the possibility to use paperless desks during Enterprise Content Management. There is a rapid cloud orientation in the field of laserfiche innovation in the education of machines and intelligent intelligence, an organization in the world of transformation that has emerged digitally. Customers from all sectors – through Belongings, Education Institutions, Financial Services, Health Institutions and Manufacturing Companies – benefit from Laserfiche, a product of your scaffolding, your Business Status of scaling and your Customers a preferential digital experience of beets.

If you look at the laser pointer of the vision of the world, you can get an idea of ​​how to get inspired so that you never have to start over with the technology that you can use.

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Laserfiche won the Industry Award in the Document Management category