
Trotz finanziellem Engpass: Nuremberg Altstadtfest starts

Trotz finanziellem Engpass: Nuremberg Altstadtfest starts

In recent years the interior has been blown up and decorated. The beer benches are prepared. For official beers, the Nürnberger Altstadtfest became a Dutzend-fasser which used to be placed on a limousine-fass.

Franconian Tradition in Focus

In the Fachwerkhäuschen there are typical French cuisine: Schäufele, Nürnberger Bratwürste, Baggers. Tradition is in the Mittelpunkt, aber the Altstadtfest try auch Neues aus. “We will be joining the Club in Nürnberg for the Altstadtfest, offering the Cocktails,” says Michael Hagl, the Vorsitzende des Altstadtfestvereins.

Attraction: “Fischerstechen auf der Pegnitz”

On September 23, Wirte will die on the Insel Schütt. Program on the Hans-Sachs-Platz and in the Katharinenruine boats. A Höhepunkt is the “Fischerstechen auf der Pegnitz” in Samstag (14.09.2024). More Mannschaften treten dabei in Ruderbooten gegeneinander an. The Stecher must go in the boot on a small platform or the like if it is going to be washed with a stand.

Festumzug muss heuer has fallen

The Festumzug again this year of the “Rotstift” to the sacrifice fell, says Michael Hagl, the first Prince of the Altstadtfestvereins. The Bürgerverein has had to deal with the costs of camps for a few years. Long stand of the faith festival in that year is completed on the Kippe. Hagl hoft, the traditional festival in the coming years, can find statistics.

Altstadtfest with a longer tradition

Round 40 Vereinsmitglieder organizes the Altstadtfest – and that will be the year. In the 1970s Jahren had a few hamburgers together, a more life in the Altstadt.