
Mithilfe eines Tricks: Wind trägt Krankheitserreger tausende Kilometer weit

Mithilfe eines Tricks: Wind trägt Krankheitserreger tausende Kilometer weit

Using a trick
Wind carries Krankheitserreger tausende Kilometers of grass

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Microorganisms in the bakery and the pilsner – which are concerned with human gefährliche Illnesserreger – can do their work during the Luft-journey with a Help. A Spanish source has found a study: In order to protect themselves from the UV radiation in large heights, the microbes have developed a trick.

With the wind that collects microorganisms, the particles die that are extracted in 2000 kilometers. There are ergaben reports at Flügen all over Japan and on the ground analyses have been carried out. If the microorganisms are bacteria and pils, it can happen that the bacteria in people, layers and plants do their work.

The microbes can use a drug for resistant antibiotics and so antibiotic resistant drugs are increasingly used, it is in the research further. The analysis of a group with Xavier Rodó of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) in Barcelona Spanish has appeared in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (“PNAS”).

“Reise in intensive wind tunnels”

“Our study is incredibly inconclusive, as the tropospheric flow through the air, a microbial fruit in large quantities, while most studies now penetrate one meter above the ground or the ocean,” Rodó said in a Mitteilung Seines Institut s zitiert.

The experts flew the flights in February and April 2014 in a high of one to three kilometers long kilometer. If you spend the time, you will see a high-flying area in the Siberian airspace from the North of China and a band with Japan that Air twelve kilometers entfernt again in the direction of earth bodies sinks. Rodó explains, the microbes resistors there in intensive Wind tunnels in the tropospheric.

Greater risk to human health

The steam team has a bacterium from 305 different holes, so micropile from 266 holes. To others analyze the chemical action of Aerosol, and the micro-organisms are bundled. Substances of zinc sulphate and potassium, which are used in the cellar, are used by a re-use of the profitable article from the agriculture, which is intensively operated in Northern China.

Etwa 35 Prozent der Bakterienarten und 39 Prozent der Pilzarten, die Forscher und de Aerosolen haben der hohen Atmosphäre nachgewiesen, kannen een Risiko für die mensschliche Gesundheit darstellen. Most people are opportunistic: they are for people with a healthy immune system, but can prevent the diseases in the immunological treatment of people.

The gold-plated stain for the bacteria Escherichia coli, which occurs in humans. Allerdings can also be used for the investigational strains of Bacillus cereus, the Lebensmittelvergiftungen, Stomach-Intestinal-Entzündungen, Gehirnentzündungen and more.

It is highly resistant to antibiotics

I have cases of Bacillus cereus which has caused the disease by the best working conditions, because the strain is very resistant to the antibiotics penicillin, ampicillin and ceftriaxone. While other bacteria and strains increase their affection, the antibiotic powers can shift. A war against a Strain of Micrococcus luteus, the entgegen bisheriger Knowntnisse, resistant gegen more antibiotic war.

“There is no legend that suggests antimicrobial resistance is a possible avenue we could pursue,” says Sofya Pozdniakova of ISGlobal, co-author of the study.

Hohe Dosen cosmischer Strahlung in der Höhe

Zwar is one of the few studies examining the transport of microorganisms in the atmosphere over a few weeks. But im Allgemeinen went to Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler davon aus, dass die Bakterien und Pilze die hohe Dosis kosmischer Strahlung in der Höhe nicht überleben würden.

There are a number of years resistant to the vermutung, the biofilm, the microorganisms that contain additional polymeric substances, which penetrate the ultraviolet radiation of the probe and affect its external radiation. The active study is the best way to affect the microorganisms, with a number of biofilms with the hard conditions in the upper atmosphere.

“Obwohl unsere Study nicht unbedingt een Kausalzusammenhang zischen dem Vorhandensein bekannter mensschlicher Krankheitserreger in Bioaerosolen and gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen, ebnet si the Way for further Research in dieser Richtung”, writes the research team.