
Cattle 100 people in the city and country of Gießen living areas

Cattle 100 people in the city and country of Gießen living areas

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Cattle 100 people in the city and country of Gießen living areas
People who often solve a problem with their house often have to solve a problem. Symbol photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa © Red

Living space is always present in the city picture and the surroundings are open to the public. Am Tag der Wohnungslosen rücken sie in den Fokus.

Pouring. If you go to Brücken and in Parks, tumble over the market and a Bahnhof and stretch in the Fußgängerzonen the Passers-by in your Hands. These people, who are on September 11 in the “Tag of Housing Loss”, will provoke and provoke, on September 11, in the “Tag of Housing Lose”. Was it okay to live in peace? Who are people in a solitary situation? And who can help a man? Darüber spricht Christian Garden, Fachbereichsleiter of such and housing construction activities at the Awo Gießen, in Gespräch with dem Anzeiger.

Herr Garden, was the unimportant work and the house?

Oblivionless is, who has no roof over the head. Dwellingless is, who is in a precarious living situation or is placed with a friend who is not housed and with his or her bank account. We have not been involved in the home, but in sin it is not so that it is in the stationary betreuung.

Who helps you live in your home?

The Aid System works in the social law book. We have six houses. Three of them belong to housing assistance, the other three houses to housing assistance. Such an investigation is an investigation for chronic illness (CMA) and is a nasse investigation. Anyway, such people can buy themselves – solange is in a socially delayed Rahmen and will cooperate with them. If you separate one from others, you can carry out such housing facilities. Our permit is set 24 hours a day. We have an overnight stay area with 24 places, a quiet place to stay, and neither a Beratungsstelle in the Grünberger Straße, we have the täglichen Sozialhilfesatz, also Bürgergeldsatz, uszahlen.

Who can concern himself with people in the Giessen and the Landkreis?

It’s cool, that’s what matters. In the Bundesstatistik the institutional Plätze will be ergasst. There are no Beratungsstelle Hat in Letzten Monat etwa 108 Personen gezählt, who sind gewesen during the intervention in the Auszahlung.

Who became Menschenwohnungslos?

As uninteresting as man is, so uninteresting is the gründe dafür. The typical Fall is not, that you will be able to enjoy your life. People often have more problems with training, unemployment, illness or serious penalties. If your personal social partners in Umfeld are no longer active, then the countries are with us.

What are the most common men?

In the plural, yes.

Is the Gründe different at Frauen?

Women come longer to men or women who prostitute. Only then, we will solve enormous mental problems, come into the Hilfe system.

What is the Zahl der Wohnungslosen-zugenommen?

Not so very. It was a massive change-hat, ist das Klientel. If I’m doing this for 40 years, don’t go the typical Nicht-Sesschachten, while life is sucked and one of the Kirchentür-beating and nach money is fragmented. This is the question about »Nichtsesshaftenhilfe«. It’s so not anymore. Most homes come from another country. The home range of our customers is only a maximum of 50 kilometers wide today. If you want more young people, you can change another story. It may be that people experience such insanity and/or psychological insanity. Also that never happens again.

Would you like to see the Gründe dafür?

The Gesellschaft has a sale and a bad customer. Früher still goes a social network, which grows up, the big family of the company or the social structure of the society. That is no longer the case. There is an individual individualization possible. It can be that people, who all live and that they lose themselves or their work, with their problems find no problem at all. More and more people with illegal drug consumption in other HIV patients come to bed. The Hilfesysteem in the Altenhilfe is on the Menschen, the consumption, nor on the reality.

Welche Hilfen find living and obdachlose Menschen in Gießen?

In the first material that Help has in the form of a Daysatzes, with these Essen buy can. You can perform the nightly facilities. There is a Medical Care for your Clothes and Essenspenden. Consulting stations can offer people more help, if they are undergoing a clinical treatment. You can the person in another Helpsysteme system vermitsen. There is a station for Help in Wohnheimen and Betreutes Wohnen after Paragraph 67 SGB XII.

Is it an idea to take Hilfe on his behalf?

We are talking about a support system, about the insignificant and homeless people who can get good personal help. If there is a problem, if you see all the support requirements, it is not a living space for your company. In the last few years, you are going to make a social housing project. If you are a client in a university town who works in the student council, you can have such a living space experience. It is difficult to see a living space of just one person. The more social living space we have, the more people we can help out of the support.

Why is social living space so heavy?

We imagine a problem with setting up a product and brands that are in the foreground, you can give the hint that your machine works and that the Rue can come, if you send things. The customers find themselves again. These individual and normal garments are often a problem when they look at Ziel. To really help you, we need social living space. If you want a home, it can also be helped by an institution. Only then, if individual people have living space, can also individual help. Everything else does not get us any further.

Warum bleiben Menschen obdachlos?

The problem is getting bigger, it is harder to find the way. If you lose the energy debts of your home, then there is an initial schwierigkeiten, anyway in a normal Hilfe system to tackle again. If there are no personal problems, trennung, sickness, about a big or such problem, then it is so bad.

Gibt es Menschen, die keine Hilfe wollen?

There are people who do not have a woolen bet, but a few drauzen or at Freunden during the night. It may be that you can achieve the best results of your business. If people are a person who wants to sleep in the Aufenthaltsraum or in the Flur-sleep, as with others in a Zimmer. This is not the case with the Mehrzahl der Fälle. Kaum jemand will sleep minus zehn Grad unter der Brücke are.

Who can normal Bürger Obdachlosen Gutes tun?

Manche brauchen ein verwarmt Getränk or something to the point. Earn a lot of money, it is itself a matter of buying. The problem is: Viele, it was wollen, wollen are damned and it was Gutes tun. It is all so that it was in his own life and it was Gutes sein. A invested bread is a bottle of beer. It is the Anspruch. If there is alcohol, it may be that the level has sunk. Or Drogen. If you can do something. Jemandem, the obdachlos or wohnungslos ist, zu helfen, geht meinung nach only in a help system. Man can find no cause of this man with his problems. This is a professional guidance.

Sollte man diesen Menschen also gar nichts?

I have discovered that the man who issued the organization is a single human kümmern. It comes down to the fact that Hilfe goes directly to the richtstelle. It is no longer possible to sit on the Seltersweg and bet.

Which advantage is making you nervous?

People who live on the road have an immense Leidensdruck. No one is in the Kälte voluntarily, but his shield on a bet on money. I am nervous, the fact that people are aware of the fact that they have ended up in such a situation. If you are perhaps in some situation in your life, then it is so that you are not a good person or a subordinate person in your life, who possibly has control over your money. That is where others genauso gut hätte can meet. If the Academy has received a number of customers, the vermeintliche kans op deze wereld and the trotzdem of such sick people have become a lost place on the Arbeitsplatz. If most people have a problem, individual problems can bring a person into the situation, that there are no more social bonds and no more Hilfe-system, that is better.

I am aware of the “Tag der livingslosen Menschen” or the Tagsaufenthaltsstätte and Fachberatung “Die Brücke” in der Steinstraße 52 in Gießen between 14 and 18 hours before visiting. There is no celebration in the Rahmen program, the Time for Speech at Essen and Trinken, Führungen durchs Haus and Information material on the themes »Gesundheit als Menschenrecht« and »Krank auf der Straße«. (red)

Christian garden Awo-Fachbereichsleiter Sucht- und Wohnungslosenhilfe © Ruth Korte