
Munich: Bub beim Verstecken plays in Schließfach gefangen

Munich: Bub beim Verstecken plays in Schließfach gefangen

  1. rosenheim24-de
  2. Bavaria

Munich: Bub beim Verstecken plays in Schließfach gefangen
A Bub (7) showed up in Munich during a Schließfach fest (Symbolbild). © dpa (Symbol image)

Munich – Which family does not know this? Man has passed on the back of a journey or an Ausflug. The immunity is often traveled and lifted in a situation that is now a dramatic situation for a family in Munich.

Both of them (7 and 9 years old) will be working for a while in the future, when it is Sonntagabend (8th September) to climb the Zwischenfall ridge. Both of them Buben spielten Versteckenwhen the family gets their pack from a Schließfach-Automaten in the vicinity of the main station is abholen wollte. If the anlage is processed, there is an automatic automatic automatic storage in the Mittererstraße. This “Baggage Store” has found a place.

If you put a letter in one of the coils 22 hours a day, it will be a matter of two years of brutal suffocation. Unglücklicherweise field kurz darauf die Türe ins Schloss. The XL Schließfach was changed and is not more open. “If you have an automatic automatic trading transaction, you cannot get personal service and you could not contact us by telephone,” teilte die Berufsfeuerwehr Munich in the night with.

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So the lost Eltern did not remain übrig, as a necessity to close. I am an Anschluss-war in een Hilfeleistungsfahrzeug der Berufsfeuerwehr rasch zur Stelle. The Einsatzkräfte energies kürzen Prozess en hebelten met een Werkzeug das Schließfach auf. Anschließend konnten de Eltern ihren Sohn unverletzt wieder in de Poore schließen – and so the dramatic Sonntagabend becomes schließlich but neither a “Happy End”. A woman would want the Floriansjünger as a Katzenretter and as “Retter des Katzenretters” to be the best. Darüber hatte receives messages. (pl)