
Bischof Manfred Scheuer with Welthaus auf Afrikareise

Bischof Manfred Scheuer with Welthaus auf Afrikareise

From August 30 to September 8, 2024, Bischof Manfred Scheuer participated in “Welthaus der Diözese Linz” Missions- en Entwicklungsprojekte in Tansania and Uganda. In both states in East Africa, the Kirchliche Hilfswerke and man in Upper Austria has been busy for a long time.

Am Programm der Afrika-Reise Staats Schulen und Krankenhäuser, Wasser- und Landwirtschaftsprojekte sowie der Besuch oberösterreichischer Missionarinnen und Missionare. Another unterstützte Welthaus in recent years together with MIVA Austria the Wasserversorgung for a School and a great Dörfer. A photovoltaic system has been installed in front of the Betrieb. In Isingiro, the MIVA is not provided for any Fahrzeuge and the technical installation of the St. Mary’s Hospital.

Schulblock broken open

This Ugandan page is the entwicklungspolitische organization of the Catholic Mannerbewegung which is so free in the region Kasese. In the Primary School St. Mary`s Kyamuhunga Bishop Manfred Scheuer together with the Erzbischof von Mbarara Lambert Bainomugisha led the Festgottesdienst which was a new new Eröffnung, of Sei so free financial debts.

The 100. of “Sei so frei” founded the Schulklasse as nun in dieser Schule. When the Ugandan Minister for the Regions, Raphael Magyezi, included one of the promissory notes, it was a real Schüler war. There is no question of the delegation of the Obersterreichische delegation receiving a token of gratitude.

A quick commissioning goes with the jewelry box. In Tanzania, where the Bishop of Kayanga is located, Almachius V. Rweyongeza personally brought the group from the flight to a begleitete to reach the gesamten Aufenthaltes in Tansania – a Sign of the Valuation for the Aid from the Diözese Linz in the Land Oberösterreich.

Help for independent living

In the Kasese region, the Gruppe becomes an agricultural project for small farmers, and a family, who is thus freely protected and chooses a start-up establishment for beekeeping. Ziel ist the Help to an independent Life. The agricultural business of the region was longer protected and gifted with learning the Grundbedarf for the own family business.

Auf een kleine Grundstück met nur beef 1000 Quadratmetern baut een Familie alles, was sie braucht. You may not even be able to buy a product in the market. Bananas, coffee, fresh fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year at home.

Visit to the Heimatbischofs

Grote Freude bereitete der first malignant Besuch des Heimatbischofs mit seiner Delegation den Marienschwestern vom Karmel – ihr Sitz liegt ja in Bad Mühllacken. Since 22 years since Sr. Elisabeth Brunmayr and Sr. Edith Staudinger in Mityana im Einsatz. We felt like Sister Margit Zimmermann, who lived and worked here for a long time and is now from the healthy Gründen South in Bad Mühllacken.

The Schwestern-führen are here the diagnostic Bildungshuis and need their own, urgent Klinik-treatment. There is a new MIVA insurance car for the region with a high Fahrten and Dienst.

Oberin der Ordensgemeinschaft, der bereits meer eeninheimische Schwestern angehören, is Sr. Antonia Dulong. The Konventgebäude is based on the Schwestern in a Kinderheim. „Oh, there is no difference from this work that we can achieve here,“ is Sr. Elisabeth Brunmayr grateful for all the help from her homeland.

In conversation with Bischöfen

In all cases, the eating of the cake and the gathering in Essen are ein. In Mityana, the thirsty Bishop Joseph Anthony Zziwa is time for a two-way gathering with an Austausch über de onrechte Kulturen. In the Ugandan capital Kampala, Bishop Paul Ssemogerere was the Delegation for the conversation and for the common food.

The war was finally ended by the struggle between the two seminaries in Kampala. In two seminaries, 300 men quickly prepared themselves for priestly service. The continuation of the seminaries would be continued intensively by Missio Österreich.

Wait until the delegation of the delegation starts with the Linzer Diocesan priest and missionary Hans Humer on the 25th. The day of the Einsatzes in Tanzania. In the case of an einsatzort in Nyaishozi, a parish with two hundred and fifty fresh-water outdoor stations, it is advisable to build a church ready to be built, which is prepared for its predecessors in the war. A new construction of a larger church is not so important, the area is a grim irrigation.

The label of Bishop Manfred with the group and the jewelry host of the Eucharist. The African society, which belongs to the Marienschwestern, provides for a better and feierliche Mood.

The Welthaus delegation has heard: Bischof Manfred Scheuer; Martin Füreder (Fachbereich Priester und Diakone in den Pfarren); Thomas Banasik and Matthäus Fellinger (Geschäftsführer and Vorsitzender von Welthaus Linz), Franz Hehenberger and Magdalena Glasner (Geschäftsführer and Projektmanagerin von “Sei so Frei”), Christine Parzer (MIVA-Direktorin), Andreas Reumayr (Leiter der Missionsstelle Linz).