
Andrang at the Landesgartenschau is unbrochen

Andrang at the Landesgartenschau is unbrochen

600,000 registered entries, 12,000 sold tickets: With that – for all tickets are defensive – Calculation the Wangener Veronwortlichen seinerzeit in das Abenteuer Landesgartenschau had begun. Knapp four weeks before the end of the Ausstellung on 6. October said that one of the young records was erneut, that the erwartungen were hit by our item.

Denn am Dienstag, September 10, wars are so important: The Garden Show will cost 800,000 dollars. After the checkout at the end of the day, it was exactly LGS 800.041. Guests will be welcome at the end of April. Before the war starts in the Ferienwoche, it is very busy in the Wetters. So it’s time to get Montag und Sonntag 45,910 Erwachsene und Kinder auf de Landesgartenschau, met Wangens OB Michael Lang Mitteilt. Demnach sei der 7. September mit 9747 Gästen der bisher bestbesuche Samstag gewesen.

„Wir stehen jetzt at 32.032 Karten. We are happy with our unbelievably good experiences! Einfach großartig!”

So cheers to OB Michael Lang via Instagram

With the Dauerkarten the long run of the 32,000er-Marke is knackered. So it was a known fact: a woman who has not yet sold a single ticket for the LGS Abschluss. „Wir stehen jetzt at 32.032 Karten. We are happy with our unbelievably good experiences! Einfach großartig!”, exults the Wangener Rathauschef via Instagram.

If we look again at the debt beginning of the Wetter, it is an incomprehensible idea that the Landesgartenschau still passes the Millionen-Schallmauer among the visitors. But the 900,000er-Marke is the most in Reichweite until the end of October 6.