
Bullen stop themselves neither Energy-Drink-Hersteller nor zurück

Bullen stop themselves neither Energy-Drink-Hersteller nor zurück

The action of Celsius holding he lost two Drittel des Wertes quickly in the cold days of the world. There is talk of a repairer of acidic energy drinks in the Halbjahr-einen-rekordumsatz. Is there an end-to-end experience?

Celsius has created a niche for the taste of sour energy drinks from natural drinks with green tea, intestines and taurine. This strategy is wrongly noticeable in young common interests, and the year of Celsius that in the last three years jewels more can be considered as doubled. In the Zahlenwerk of Halbjahr it is so that the Wachstumsraten are nachgelassen and the Marktanteil of Celsius Holding on the Heimatmarkt USA back. That can not be good with the investor.

PepsiCo Troubleshooting Tips. In 2022, Celsius Holding started a sales operation with PepsiCo. PepsiCo has massively ordered from Celsius Holding and the newcomers have been placed in the Regale and on Lager-jointly. If an analyst has a share price of Celsius Holding, the acquisition of PepsiCo in a quarter of 100 to 120 million USD will not take longer than in the previous quarter, while PepsiCo will use the lager file. This action is carried out before a label is printed.

Gleichwohl looks at the Energy Drink repairman on Wachstumskurs. PepsiCo is a big business at Celsius and takes so long that it is more interesting to use the Absatz on the jetty. The Zahlen zum zweiten Quartal saie, dass beef 10 Prozent des Umsatzes über Amazon were purchased. Zudem expands Celsius in Ausland. So the castle of the Konzern eine Kooperation mit Suntory, um die Drinks in Großbritannien, Ireland und Canada zu vertreiben. The expansion will not take place at the cost of the margin. In 2020, Halbjahr lagged behind in EBITDA margin at 24.9 percent.

After refining, a larger part of the analysts have a clear view of the action. Allerdings can be performed with 5 steps of the year count. That Action is nothing more than Schnäppchen. We repeat that you can start the action if you want to make a next step.

Chart: Celsius Holding

Wider prices: USD 33.25/35.00/40.40/45.90/56.20

Unterstützungsmarken: 12.75/26.90 USD

Celsius Holding’s stock showed a long Australian trend from Spring 2020 to April this year and crashed for 100 US dollar marks. Then the value of the paper has been listed and is below 66.40 USD (61.8 retracement line), 56.20 USD (50% retracement line) and 45.90 USD (38.2% retracement line) with an under-supporting mark. The stock is currently fighting, at 33.25 USD the 23.6% retracement line has been stopped. The action is significantly lower than the level of a fortification of 12.75 USD, from April 2022. The long-term MACD indicator said that there is an abnormal momentum. The first RSI indicator is active on the edge of the oversold ranges. Between 31.70 USD and 33.25 USD there is now a stabilization and one of the most recent RSI indicators that ensures that the first analysis is an interpretation that is encouraging in the event of an outflow from the divergent trend. This should cause the mark to be eclipsed by EUR 35. In this fall, it is possible to pay a spot price of 42 USD.

Celsius Holding in USD; Tag diagram (1 Kerze = 1 Tag)

Betrachtungszeitraum: 27.09.2023 – 10.09.2024. Historical observations do not provide any convincing indicators for such successful developments. Quelle:

Celsius Holding in USD; Wochenchart (1 Kerze = 1 Woche)

Betrachtungszeitraum: 11.09.2019 – 10.09.2024. Historical observations do not provide any convincing indicators for such successful developments. Quelle:

Factor Options Chart how you get the chance to go down in history with the most festive events of the Kursentwicklung der Celsius holding-Action to participate. The most important thing is that the Verluste goes to its total verlust, when the basis the entgegengesetzte regien einschägt. It is not possible to no longer execute your construction as an elongated construction.

Faktor Optionsscheine Long on Celsius Holding for a speculation about one of the activities

Base value WKN Sales price in EUR Base price in USD Reset barrier in USD Hebbel Last assessment day
Celsius holding HD7LMX 4.27 21.673386 24,382559 3 Open End
Celsius holding HD8JV4 12.72 26.007351 29,25827 5 Open End
Celsius holding HD8JV3 13.20 27,090842 30,88356 6 Open End
Celsius holding HD8DTS 3,32 27,864765 31,116583 7 Open End
Quelle: onemarkets by UniCredit; Status: 11.09.2024; 1:35 p.m

Faktor Optionsscheine Short on Celsius Holding for a speculation about a Kursverlust of the Action

Base value WKN Sales price in EUR Base price in EUR Reset barrier in EUR Hebbel Last assessment day
Celsius holding HD7LMW 15,81 48,748201 45,496696 -2 Open End
Celsius holding HD7LMZ 19,02 43,330745 40,622573 -3 Open End
Celsius holding HD7LN0 22,13 40,622017 37,372256 -4 Open End
Celsius holding HD7LMS 25,03 38,99678 35.748348 -5 Open End
Source: onemarkets by UniCredit; Status: 11.09.2024; 13:35 hours

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