
Stellungnahme zu Energy Sharing und Bürgerbeteiligung – pv magazine Deutschland

Stellungnahme zu Energy Sharing und Bürgerbeteiligung – pv magazine Deutschland

The Bündnis Bürgerenergie eV (BBEn) has prepared and published a position statement for Energy Sharing and Citizen Behaviour in the reference organisation for the energy economic law rights of the Federal Ministries for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK). Positive is that the federal citizen energy shares the energy sharing of energy, critical value is the federal regulation for citizen involvement in the EnWG novella one. If BBen looks at all offers in the active operation of Energy Sharing in a positive way, there is a minimum setting of the EU rights, a more practical solution and economic tragfähigkeit is the best option. If you have looked at the Bürgerbeteiligung of the BBen a German bessere Regelung, the Bürgerbeteiligung ermöglicht or the overview of a bundesweite Regelung, that the game for the Bundesländer erhalten bleibt.

“I would like to see Energy Sharing and citizen commitment more Mut and Entschlossenheit desired. As the energy supply expands, it is the case that the flow of energy and the energy supply of the entire citizen energy changes, which can happen in the future. Energy Sharing can increase the grid loads and citizen involvement of the Akzeptanz and the involvement of citizens. The citizen energy can have a great influence on the revaluation of the energy and energy supply. Politics must concern itself with the purchase, the outsourcing of statements about the question that the realization of the matter will yield”, erklärt Malte Zieher, Vorstand des Bündnisses Bürgerenergie eV (BBEn).

That Bündnis Bürgerenergie understands, thats Share energy With the EnWG newsletter it became so that it is now a minimal setzung of the EU legal trade. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) writes in the Gesetzesbegründung des Referentenwurfs, that it was no longer the case, that Energy Sharing became a mass action. In the perspective of citizen energy, sharing energy is a greater chance of transformation without energy systems.

Dennoch likes the Entwurf-positive research for Energy Sharing, for the energy effort that the energy sharing offers: Energy Sharing can be small and economical, the loss of charity lights is with a power of 30 kW for energy storage and a power of 100 kW for a part of the energy supply the gesetzgeberisch ausgeschöpft worden, A unibody internet platform for the dating site can be opened and on a homepage of the internet or the leistung is displayed.

Nachbesserungsbedarf besteht you at the following points: A special regulation for the civil energy society is the inheritance order, which is why it is important that the Organizer of the Community has a positive energy outcome (§ 42c Abs. 1 S. 1 No. 2 EnWG). Denn Energy Sharing is a Konzept voor Bürgerenergiegemeinschaften in EU law of Anfang. Energy Sharing can be outlined on a bilanzierungs area, but it is urgently necessary that Energy Sharing is possible in post-leitzahlengebieten, which are located or a part of the world of 50 kilometers a Gemeinde, in the sich that Anlage befindet, is possible. This has been the case since the last months for further expansion (1.6.2028). A central anlaufstelle ensures that a central development takes place and that work must be done in the Entwork environment.

The practical management and economic tragfähigkeit of Energy Sharing has not become a leader by the reference organization. Therefore the Bündnis Bürgerenergie requires reduced grid funds, when Energy Sharing works grid-loading. If we do not use the internet network, we cannot use the internet network. If you end the Bündnis-Bürgerenergie, it is one of the first Energy Sharing premium festivities that is not clear whether Energy Sharing makes any of these premium activities possible at all.

The Bündnis Bürgerenergie understands a great deal of energy and energy Federal Regulation on Bürgerbeteiligung – jedoch nicht in der vorgeschlagenen Form. The law is actually only payments of 0.1 cent per kilowatt hour to citizens in a 2.5 kilometre area and no special immunity. While the state handlung system is concerned with regulating the rules, it is the case that part of it has been abolished, as it were. Therefore, a more ambitious citizen protection in the BundesbeneWho is the Bündnis Bürgerenergie in Zusammenarbeit with the Bundesgeschäftsstelle Energiegenossenschaften beim DGRV erarbeitet and in January 2024 öffentlicht hat – or the Bund view is on its own line and let the federal states have a free hand, your own rules have been adjusted.

The position paper “Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Energiewirtschaftsrechts im Bereich der Enkundenmärkte, des Netzuusbaus und der Netzregulierung (EnWG-Novelle)” can be downloaded here.