
Loss of own shares of Rokiškio suris AB | 11.09.24

Loss of own shares of Rokiškio suris AB | 11.09.24

Rokiškio suris AB had acquired 3,586,797 of its own ordinary registered shares, which represented 10% of the Company’s authorised capital. On 27 June 2024, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company decided to reduce the Company’s authorised capital by cancelling 3,586,797 ordinary registered shares acquired by the Company.

Following the completion of the procedure for the reduction of the Company’s authorised capital, on 10 September 2024 the reduced authorised capital of Rokiškio suris AB was registered in the register of legal entities and all treasury shares were cancelled. After the cancellation of treasury shares, the authorised capital of Rokiškio suris AB consists of EUR 9,361,540.17 divided into 32,281,173 ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of EUR 0.29.

Dalius Trumpa
Phone: +370 458 55200