
Action: So UBS AG takes the Novartis action | 11.09.24

Action: So UBS AG takes the Novartis action | 11.09.24

The Schweizer Grossbank UBS has a new household stock exchange with the title “Best of Switzerland” on “Buy” with a price of 111 Frankish shares. The presentation of the top managers Patrick Horber has a clear insight into the core markets of the US, and analyst Matthew Weston in one of the Mittwoch studies. Before China was a theme-inspired at that time.

Action analysis online: The Novartis action under the current actions Analyzes and Bewertungen

The Novartis stock is in the SIX SX session at 17:31 1.4 percent in minus at 97.47 CHF. If the action has not yet started with 13.88 percent of the costs, it will be postponed. The day sum of the Novartis stock is expected to be 3’504’184 shares. The expected return is 19.2 percent at the beginning of the year 2024. On 29.10.2024 Novartis started publishing the balance sheet for Q3 2024.

ZURICH (dpa-AFX Analyser) / Redaktion

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 11.09.2024 / 13:14 / GMT
First post of the original study: 11.09.2024 / 13:14 / GMT

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