
Jobcenter schalten wichigen Service ab

Jobcenter schalten wichigen Service ab

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Jobcenter schalten wichigen Service ab
A job center can no longer meet the requirements of a best art and work center. © Antonio Guillem/Panthermedia/Imago; Malte Ossowski/Sven Simon/Imago

Jobcenter wollen de Kommunikation mit de Antragsstellen wie Bürgergeld-Beziehern vereinfachen. But ihr Vorgehen he is an expert in legal matters.

Dortmund – Citizens’ money seekers must always contact Jobcenter again. The State will provide an overview of the information you receive, a correct answer to the social assistance you can use. But via Mail can not last longer – a lawyer comes to an end to his end.

New Bürgergeld-Regelung: Jobcenter schalten wichtigen Service ab

If you would like to know more about your dating protection rights, please contact us via e-mail and contact your sister job center for information about the Beratungsinitiative “Gegen”. The Begründung der Arbeitsaguren is expensive nachvollziehbar.

Emails are increasingly being placed in the spotlight of Betrügern, which is why the phishing version provides sensible data. In the summer of 2023, the Federal Agency for Labor (BA) informed that there are “more and more betrügerische emails with the logo of the Jobcenter in the Umlauf”.

There is no reason to rely on the Schriftverkehr of the Jobcenter and the Bürgergeld-Beziehern, while the Jobcenter “Anträge und Veränderungsmeldungen zum Leistungsbezug SGB II (Bürgergeld) and other Förderleistungen anyway damit verbundene Dokumente (…) nicht more by e-mail”. nehmen . Is it true that the Austausch is then stattfinden?

New Bürgergeld-Regelung: Contact us by e-mail as soon as possible

Laut “” requires the Jobcenter to use its own system under “”. Since the platforms are sollen sich Bezieher von Sozialleistungen who registers the Bürgergeld, sofern sie nicht ohnehin clean Zugang über the eServices of the Federal Agency for Labor (BA) haben (More Politik-News at RUHR24).

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If you have a message, you can correspond with the Jobcenter online postal code, if “the e-mail is sent”, it is a spark of the orders. A closed message should ensure the safety of the exit.

New Bürgergeld-Regelung: Jobcenter required on Online-Portal “” – Jurist übt Kritik

The problem: The Jobcenter has left Dr. Utz Anhalt, because another has a Question about Social Law and socio-political specialization and writes for “Gegen-Hartz”, E-mails of his Beispiel Bürgergeld-Empfängern is not categorically able. There is a look at Harald Thomé of the Social Consultation Office “Tacheles e.V.”

It is clear that the job center with its new path begins “an incorrect application for the rights during the night-time night of the SGB II tenders”. The employment agencies have paragraph 9 of the Social Law Books X and paragraph 37 of the Social Law Books II of the Pflicht, a form of Verfahren for the contact persons. In addition to e-mails, this also allows personal contact for Ort, by telephone or fax as well as in written form with one.

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Jobcenter has a legitimate obligation to “expose its administrative and service buildings free from entry and communication barriers”, Thomé explains. If the contact persons for citizen money management and other affected companies are now no longer a bank account on the digital platform of the job center, this becomes a single barrier.

Bürgergeld-Bezieher, who will start a nullrunde e-setting of money before 2025, in “” in the press and e-mails from refusers, Thomé also sees right-winged. “Erscheint, as müsse here the Federal Agency for Labor and the Federal Labor Ministry are a permanent source of support,” said Erscheint.

“Bürokratieabbau and citizen-friendly relations are different”. The lawyers follow the Beispiel of the Hagener-Jobcenter and other employers in Ganz Deutschland without their Praxisfort, sending emails and no longer carrying them. The job center is a good job and has good health benefits and benefits, reports are young. mercury.