
Fight against stupid people: the informateurs donate the SQ for 2.4 million dollars

Fight against stupid people: the informateurs donate the SQ for 2.4 million dollars

In the square of the astonished people, although violent actions multiply, a sergent inquiry of the SQ can bring some confidential information of four informateurs to an individual level. Craignant pounces at the moment that the copies of policy notes go into circulation, he gives the police force for 2.4 M$.

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There are problems with the information about a batch of allegations from a suite in the Chicoutimi lundi courthouse.

The claimants and their presenters are engaged as quatre informateurs in telling the security of Québec for providing information that are available for conflicts with violent conflicts that rage and a maintainer in several regions. The quatre personnes, all residents of Saguenay, are confident that they have “the sensible information and the first relative interest in several events of the vague crimes and certain actors”.

Or the police conducting an investigation are a son who takes notes about a period of time when a person is “questioned about certain events”.

The fear of the belly

Faster, copies of the notes begin to appear in circulation “the actors of the criminal environment”.

As a result, the demands begin with the idea of ​​having their lives changed, “then an environment that (…) reserves a second kind that can offer couples (the treatise) to our old life”.

“C’est comme si la sergente surveyuse avait distribué en placard des affiches partout entier in de monde entier lesquelles les quelques les surnames des enquirers et un CV des informations aux communiqués aux force policières», crit dans la requête introductory body l’avocat des demandeurs, Mand Dominicus Bouchard.

«The demanders on one cible dans le dos, dessinée aux couleurs de la SQ» extrait de suite of 2.4 M$ deposited on the SQ.

‘Peur au ventre’, ‘crainte constant de se faire abattre’, ‘hypervigilence’, ‘crainte que leurs proches ne soient visés’, the list of the consequences of the quatre informateurs will be long for their pretensions.

There are many people who fall under the balls, kidnapped, abused or mutilated, the claimants who claim their identity and continue their identity and statements by continuing the criminal groups that are out of balance.

“They have no say”

Mand Dominic Bouchard regrets that his clients are in danger after four months and that ‘the SQ is no longer right’. The lawyer has only been working for six months on the steps before the direction of the police force to assess the possibilities of protective measures.

«It has become a mutism for six years for the final of our lawyers who want their eux, it is just a mistake», confie Mand Bouchard, added to “a choice you can make with the avant-première with the suite”.

Chacun des demandeurs gets $600,000 back.

“It is a mistake of the lax and the dismantling of the necessary principles for the protection and security of police informers” – extrait de suite of 2.4 M$ deposited on the SQ.

As the son of the SQ, he refuses to comment on the case “with respect for the judicial procedures”. Sergent Hugues Beaulieu, parole-porte, confirmed that he had conducted an internal investigation into the file.

An affair that is risky to leave traces

The action of the police that attracts the attention of Calepin who extracts sensible information from the environment risks leaving traces, soulignent of the actors of the environment.

“The legal system is based on the fact that people are more informants and ensuite être protégés,” says former SPVQ investigator Roger Ferland.

François Doré, my son of the cloche for the former security of Québec, who has chosen a souvenir of his life, has been chosen for his career.

“When you take notes, you can’t have a pretext. If a question about sensible information is a problem, there are questions that you ask.”

Complex recruitment

Moreover, there is a chance that you can convince the interlocutors of two ex-police officers. Moreover, the factual context can cause threats, weakening and mutilations to discourage the language of his délier.

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‘If you have a potential force, you can find informants and sources that are not so important: ‘Consider it as it is over. You have no experience with the information about more information, like the old pollster Doré.

Criminal lawyer Jean-Marc Fradette is one of his advisers, who has told a “large message envoy of the SQ on his own instructions”.

I Jean-Marc Fradette on September 11, 2024. The criminal lawyer qualifies for the monumental work of Quebec security, which costs 2.4 million dollars per informant. While the police is a policeman, an individual looks at a criminal organization that contains information on four police sources. Credit photo: Capture d’écran TVA Nouvelles

Capture d’écran TVA Nouvelles

“When people participate in police investigations, there are no protectors. (…) It is a monumental bourde, which denounces the criminals, while this “the SQ-travaille makes a contribution in the 60s”.

Solution tracks

The solution to the situation genre? It’s a poor use of the ideal scenario.

Roger Ferland proposes an old method to help the investigators of specialized units of the criminal organization. “The best of the world can destroy the manuscripts of the manuscripts, immediately after editing a source report”, explains.

If the judge is one of the tribunals, the lawyers of accusations are able to consult notes for the comparison of reports, with François Doré. “The better, it is fair. Attention, that one never loses his notes, that one does not pay, that one does not pay to persons”, insists.

Perhaps the technology is causing the genre of the incident, by Jean-Marc Fradette. “At the moment that the encryption encryption imports information,” the lawyer can reach the difficulty level of the problem with a problem.

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