
Loaded with materials: Donau leaves Schiffswracks in the free world

Loaded with materials: Donau leaves Schiffswracks in the free world

Hundreds of Schiffswracks clog the Danube – a single Fischer boat over a mighty Tanker in its part of the Nazi Black Sea Flotte from the Second World War.
Hundreds of Schiffswracks clog the Danube – a single Fischer boat over a mighty Tanker in its part of the Nazi Black Sea Flotte from the Second World War.


The von Dürre-secret Donau brought another German ship from the Zweiten Weltkrieg to the front. The problem: it is possible that the substance is loaded and behind the ship.

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  • The Danube is full of ship wrecks, the sunken wash water in the summer was freed – it fell from the Second World War.
  • If shipping is so grim, the Danube will die years later when the vessel is no longer declared for shipping.
  • Now that Sollen 21 Schiffe der Nazi-Schwarzmeerflotte were recovered.
  • The problem: it is loaded with mines, grenades and ammunition.

The summer that with the water stand in the Flussen so a little and Daylight resulted, was long under the hidden war of the Wasseroberfläche. In the Danube zum Beispiel in the second of the Serbian Flusshafen-Stadt Prahovo a new Schar sunkener Nazi ship with the Zweiten Weltkrieg attacked, which is loaded with Sprengstoff.

It is not the first time that the Schiffswracks have been released into the Danube. You will spend a lot of time consuming the water and drinking water with 2857 kilometers of long-distance flows in Europe.

After the wasserstand a record, there is a strong takeover of power in the year 2022 Dutzende versunkene Schiffe der Schwarzmeerflotte Nazi-Deutschlands in der Nähe von Prahovo auf.

The Danube section dies another year later

The problem is getting bigger: the wrecks behind the Schifffahrt. “Kapitäne müssen has done our research and has come to go to the Vorfällen during the Festlaufen”, says Damir Vladic, Manager of the Port of Prahovo, referred to by the news agency “AFP”.

In this annual document from the European Commission, the Copernicus programme outlined the Danube’s watershed and explained that the best part of the rivers in Western Europe has never been so old.

Those at Prahovo-entdeckten Schiffe heard about the hunderten, which in 1944 were sent by the Nazi forces on their backs for the future Soviet forces on the Donau. Soul wars, the Red Army due to the cessation of the Flusses after it has been prevented, the Schiffe in Soviet Hände fields.

“The Nazis quickly set off in their Rückzug 200 Schiffe, darunter Transportfähren, Lastkähne and Torpedoboote,” said historian Velimir Miki Trailovic of “CBS”.

One of the over the flussbett spreadstreuten Wracks has neither Türme, Kommandobrücken, kaputte Masten and verdrehte Rümpfe, während other large stones under Sandbänken lie.

Mining and ammunition machines Bergung gefährlich

For 80 years the ship can no longer be put in the ground of the Danube. But now the river must be freed up. “The ship is one of the mines, grenades and not an exploding Kampfmittel, which is caused by a catastrophic explosion problem”, says Trailovic.

One of the European Investment Bank and the Western Balkans Investment Framework quickly financed the initiative in 2022 with 30 million euros for a salvage operation dating back 21 years.

First ship – a mine boat – was supposed to come out of the Danube in August. The attack on the shooting continues with the seizure of the ammunition, the failed manipulations are carried out, a risk that an explosion occurs. Serbian officials estimate that the recovery of the ship will continue for a half year.