
Immer wieder Dienstag (S 2022) : KRITIK : artechock

Immer wieder Dienstag (S 2022) : KRITIK : artechock

Everything Zucker?

Annika Appelin plays in her work as a woman of opportunity, the man as a Ü-60 woman in life. That is not only in comparison with American and French Hangers are refreshing

This may be, that was the Swedish director Annika Appelin and her book author Anna Fredriksson in Always Tuesday again say, sonderbar vertrust works. The Scandinavian family parties have made a film that has more cathartic effects, as in Ingmar Bergmans’ great art Fanny and Alexander (1982) or in other wayward films, in Thomas Vinterbergs Das Fest (1998). While Appelin comes out of the Fugen for a while, as Karin’s (Marie Richardson) husband Sten (Björn Kjellman) at the Feier in 40 hours. Karin has never been in the Leidenschaft fürs Kochen – a self-therapeutic method, which so often gave birth to Fest-film and will later in Trần Anh Hùngs Geliebte Köchin galt to exist – no, it is also the foundation of a club of equally minded women, if you are aware of the height. This is of course one of the most popular areas of film-making, you will find in Bill Holderman’s solid Book Club – Das Beste kommt noch and dem unsäglichen Buchclub 2 – Het volgende Kapitel will take a high-quality look at a few women during World War II and the Sau-rauslassen.

The Appellins Film already plays the Australian show in the Netherlands, and therefore a more direct Jungbrunnen ist, liegt nicht nur an eenem herrlich aufspielenden Cast, sonondern naturlich auch daran, dass wir here in Schweden since and else as in the USA jeder sein Alter ganz ungeschminkt for its own sake. One of our French Trennung-im-Alter-und-sich-neu-finden-Hangers die Liebesbriefe aus Nizza or Adieu Chérie – Trennung auf Französisch muss sich Always Tuesday again not hidden, denn Appelin and his triple authorization go through the tight Combination of all developed genres in a melange, which tastes another, we will be transgenerational work, dh a glücks-vergleich der generations with in this romantic comedy with eingeflochten was, the romantic If it is still only a small problem, it is not the case that Karin, who gets a new chance in her life, later in her life, who actually is, which is a different situation.

Appelin says that there is a balancing act, which is not self-understood, but that the film is played in French film production, its story is about child involvement, is captured and is overexposed. A Versuch, the Book Club was not there at first. Although with this film the Altersgruppe is finally served and locked in the cinemas, those who read newspapers are the individuals who are neither socialized in their youth with the art form of cinema and are therefore still regularly prepared, whatever ins If you want something, you can make no other changes than that you hinder.

And then the power is not over the whole Liebes- and Altersrochaden in Spa, the wonderfully mürrisch inszenierten Master Chef Henrik (Peter Stormare) at the broader leadership of the Kochkurses zuzusehen, which finally the Foundation for a romantic Comedy ist, which at all the sticky Nostalgia-Zucker If here a vermeintlich ideal 1980s has happened, then it is still worth having an idea of ​​the fact that it may not be ideal, but it is so lebendiger ist. Viel mehr Lebensweisheit is idiosyncratic kaum.