
Laufenburg: Tennis Club Murg-Laufenburg is new

Laufenburg: Tennis Club Murg-Laufenburg is new

With little change in the status of the Tennis Club Murg-Laufenburg in the next few months. Wiedergewählt works with Jürgen Eckert in the Amt des Kassierers. The Office of the Schriftführers has murdered Berbel Maurus, who has left the worthy Sportwart Holger Liske. Kassenprüfer bleiben Michael Fritsch and Frank Dittmar. Philipp Eckmann, Marc Schikowski and Marika Tröndle were featured as Beiräte. The Amt des Vorstands can be decommissioned.

The stable development of the membership is very welcome, at the time when 151 memberships lie, declared by the presiding Jörg Weier, by the annual reunion. All types of concrete are better, it is a hint at the future settlement of the previous power of government. It is possible to breathe new life into it, it is a fact that you are active in your business. “There is a Forttruce of the Association”, warning.

Weier looked at the positive news of the year: “The last year’s story was a great success for 50 years”, thus Jörg Weier in his annual report. There is gratitude in those things that come with all life.

Men pass Wiederaufstieg, Jugend gewinnt Bezirksklasse

Consider a sporting event in the ebbs and flows of both sports information about Frank Matter. Among other things, the first herrenmannschaften that last years and that years in the wiederaufstieg continue. If the TC Murg-Laufenburg nach wie for no Damenmannschaft reports, it may be that there are no fehlenden Spielerinnen.

Vom sports top punk of the year reported Jugendwart Wolfgang Hessel. The Siege of the U15 in the first Bezirksklasse war with the signalman Sees a greater Erfolg. “Wir sind im Jugendbereich auf dem richtigen Weg”, findet there. This financial situation can have a positive effect on the large profits achieved. “Everything,” says cashier Jürgen Eckert, “will continue to invest in the next few years.”