
Linke Fordert Autogipfel at Kanzler

Linke Fordert Autogipfel at Kanzler

Linke Fordert Autogipfel at Kanzler

Volkswagen’s view on the link with car advice from Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD). “The Bundeskanzler must act so well and everything is important for the future of the automotive industry,” said party chief Janine Wissler of the “Rheinische Post” (Freitagsausgabe).

It is important that you with the expenditures, business activities and environmental associations a more binding future plan for the industry development were, very Wissler. The group must be obliged, “the Umbau in the way of his life – and the interest of all the common people that are realized.” In the past years it was for all Manager much mistake gemacht. “It is unjustified, if the debts of the American economy are violated, the billions of activities and the dividend will be paid out”, Wissler explained.

For the automotive sector, there is another job and further education guarantee. If all goes well, industrial companies will be engaged in a “production of small, electric cars, modern cars and buses – never luxury again,” says Wissler.

dts Messaging Agency

Photo: Federal Chancellery (archives), via dts Nachrichtenagentur