
Delivery Hero-Aktie presents itself: Additional details regarding the registration and delivery | 12.09.24

Delivery Hero-Aktie presents itself: Additional details regarding the registration and delivery | 12.09.24

Delivery Hero hat is in use with the plants Inspection signal Tochter Talabat Details about the development and installation processes available.

Talabat covers the food and food distribution as well as quick-commerce business for Delivery Hero in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other countries in the Near East and in North Africa – in a total of 8 countries in MENA. An IPO is planned four times on the Dubai Financial Market, Delivery Hero will carry out a multiple investment after the IPO. With the IPO of regional investors, they could engage and further develop their shares in the MENA region, said Marie-Anne Popp, interim CFO of the financial sector, during an interview with Dow Jones Newswires.

Laut Investorenpräsentation erwirtschaftete Talabat 2023 a Grosswarenwert GMV of beef 6.1 Billions US-Dollar, also etwa 12 Prozent des Konzern-GMVs of Delivery Hero. Talabat sei damit nach GMV is the largest online platform for Mahlzeiten and Lebensmittellieferungen in the region.

The Tochter was two-tier (at GMV 2023: +24 percent, 1H: +23 percent), highly profitable and has a high Cash Conversion (Capital Conversion) of more than 90 percent in the first half of 2024, Delivery Hero announces that potential investors knew. Free cash flow (FCF) generated revenues of US$301 million during 2024, up from US$226 million in half year 2024 – an 80-year rate of 64 percent in the previous period. As of July, it has more than 6 million active units, more than 64,000 active partners, more than 115,000 active drivers (which is up 90 percent at Dritten) and 440 technical employees.

Talabat has received “the real customer cohorts”, which was founded in 2004 in Kuwait and was used by Delivery Hero in 2015 as a market leader in all MENA countries at this time. Talabat between 2015 and 2023 in Schnitt at GMV is a 51-year-old company that has received an “attractive margin profile”, while the margin with the free cash flow on the GMV has started to become 7 percent. In the MENA region, Delivery Hero sees a strong tailwind for Talabat due to the macro-economic costs related to the policy, the urban development is strong and online-oriented, also in the Mahlzeiten- and Lebensmitteleinkauf.

In the region, the market potential for third-party online ordering applied to the market and economy, which brings Quick-Commerce to US$13 billion, is more than double the GMV of US$6.1 billion in 2023.

The Delivery Hero promotion is priced at 4.31 euros per XETRA trade above 28.06 euros.