
Queen Elizabeth: New statue splits the congregation

Queen Elizabeth: New statue splits the congregation


Fulfilled«Who Mrs. Doubtfire»: Statue of Queen Elizabeth spaltet Gemüter

A new sculpture of Queen Elizabeth II in Nordirland has been inherited by the Gemüter. The bronze statue of the king, Prince Philip and the Corgis are both enthusiastic, which was first enthusiastic in the Antrim Castle Gardens.

Katrin Ofnerspot on news
  • In the northern park of Antrim Castle Garden, the statue of Queen Elizabeth is being enthusiastically displayed.

  • Purchased by artist Anton Brennan.

  • But the Artwork of the Einstigen Monarchin is as much for Freud as for a Reichlich Unmut.

A new sculpture of Queen Elizabeth II, which is being celebrated in the north of Park Antrim Castle Gardens, is being hyped up as it is discussed. The bronze statue of the king was born in Ehemann Prinz Philip (1921-2021) and both Corgis were acquired by the North Belfast-based artist Anto Brennan.

“The sculpture said that majesty in one of the most beautiful poses, his life, his steadfastness and his lifelong pivot and the public service wider mirrors,” the City of Antrim and Newtownabbey wrote in a Facebook post and photos of the new statue. On Instagram there is a video of the excitement.

Criticism: «Eher wie Mrs. Doubtfire»

See the comments about the usage that is not resolved. “If you have the idea, if you have not found it yet, is it not that it is abroad?”, excerpt from a user. Another story: “Eher eine Beleidigung as eine Hommage, sieht absolut schrecklich aus, um ehrlich zu sein.” Another follower says that he is «eher with Mrs. Doubtfire» as the clouded king. If correct, the sculpture is «laughable» and «nicht zweckdienlich».

Another image of the statue also appears: “There is a shame, that the life of the deceased found a statue, that the time and the atmosphere were not the same, that the man in the recovery was carried away”, wrote a follower.

The Gemeinde is “stolen” in its sculpture

In a statement, Sky News said it had visited Antrim town and Newtownabbey, “all of which were positive responses” to the image that had emerged.

“It is a miracle that art can show an uninteresting way of working, but it is worth using the concrete, the sculpture of most people, it is a personal experience, which can be improved positively,” he is in the Erklärung. The sculptures are a tribute to the famous representatives of the majesty of the world, and the community is very valuable, which stands as part of the cultural landscape in his life.

The statue of Prince Philip comes from Anto Brennan and is said to have been a source of enthusiasm for June for years.

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