
WHO: Encourage people in Gaza to be safe

WHO: Encourage people in Gaza to be safe

“Huge” Reha Masses Not:WHO: Stay in Gaza without any problems

Amputation, Hirn- und Rückenmarksverletzungen: Since the treatment of people in Gaza has started, since the treatment begins, the treatment is still necessary.

Injuries from various stages of Gaza City strike at the Arab High Hospital in

Verwundete at Arab High Hospital in Gaza

Source: Image

After the World Health Organization (WHO) had started the Gaza Strip war with the Israeli Twelve People, so that the Verletzungen erlitten, that is, the Rehabilitation Operation necessitated.

In parallel, a “continuous review of health systems” is being offered, delivered by the WHO Representative for Palestinian Health, Richard Peeperkorn, at Donnerstag in Geneva.

“Viele tausend Frauen und Kinder” under Schwerverletzten

Fewer than 22,500 people, “feeling young women and children”, are living in Gaza Strip in the eleven months and are starting to die so they are lost, because amputations or other “enorme” Rehabilitation Mass Nahmen are being ordered, it is clear that who weiter.

WHO zu Verletzten in Gazastreifen

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A report from the UN agency has appeared with the “severe Gliedmaßen injuries” estimated at 13,455 to 17,550; in about 3,000 to 4,000 Fällen his Gliedmaßen are amputated. There are even more “life-changing injuries” among people in the Gaza Strip that elevate the withdrawal of the dorsal markings to injuries and severe loss.

People inspire a zerstörtes-gebäude after an Israeli air force in Viertel Al-Daraj.

At an Israeli Air Force in Gaza in August, people are living well. Laut Israel war das Ziel een Kommandozentrale der Hamas, die in een Schulgebäude unjustified war.10.08.2024 | 1:33 min

Nur die Half der Kliniken funktionsfähig – en die nur teilweise

At the same time, only 17 of 36 hospital beds in Gaza are partially functional, WHO explained. Ensure that medical care no longer works so well. The only part of the rehabilitation after the amputation of the Gliedmaßen is a special center in the Palästinen area – in the Nasser hospital in Chan Yunis – there are consequences in the treatment of this month. The ground: There is a lack of material and medical expertise.

Places in the Gaza Strip

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WHO-Receiver Peeperkorn complained that patients and sufferers “cannot get the treatment they need”. It is not that it is “sofortige” as a “long-term operation”, a huge amount of rehabilitation activities.

According to Peeperkorn, 97 people were brought from the Gaza strip to medical care in the United Arab Emirate on Wednesday. “This was the great evacuation from Gaza since October 2023.” The WHO will relocate more than 10,000 people in the best kitchen strip. Gaza has waged a medical battle against the WHO representative.

Satellite nafnahmen des temporären ports in Gaza

If Mitte Mai has established one of the United States, provisions have been made for the Hilfsgüter in Gaza.
17.05.2024 | 1:34 minutes

Gaza: First Month of War

Israel and the Gaza Strip rersching radical Islamist Hamas finds its eleven months in the war. That war will take place on October 7 by the Großangriff of Hamas in Israel. October will last a few years. Campfers of Hamas and other militant Palestinian groups have gained more power in southern Israel after Israeli Angaben 1,205 people and 251 others as Geiseln in the Gaza Strip verschleppt.

In response to the Hamas Angriff, Israel is massively militarizing in Gaza Strip. After the Hamas experience, which gets no more than 41,000 people and leaves another 95,000 more.

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Source: AFP, Reuters