
Plötzlich shows the Tiny-House-Feriendorf in Kirchlauter which are good chances to live

Plötzlich shows the Tiny-House-Feriendorf in Kirchlauter which are good chances to live

Die Chancen, dass Kirchlauter nun, but nor a Feriendorf cares, show good zu stehen: In the young geminderatssitzung discutierte the Gremium über a new Standort, and black in Osten von Kirchlauter, am Anglersee (or Altlautersee). There is no talk of a project yet, but it is worth not meeting anyone at the Feriendorf “Haßberge Chalets”. Gut 35 Zuhrerinnen and Zuhörer continued the Discussion in the Sitzungssaal of the Oskar-Kandler-Zentrums.

Thomas Ötinger, Geschäftsführer of “Nature Holiday Lodges GmbH”, who will be responsible for the project, thanked Dritter Bürgermeisterin Lilo Stubenrauch (CSU) for the wonderful Standortvorschlag. There is part of the problem you can solve. Kurios: Lilo Stubenrauch sei im Flächennutzungsungsungsplan aus dem 1983 genau en dieser Stelle auf de Namen “Feriendorf” gestoßen. The “Nature Holiday Lodges GmbH” has a construction project for the interior of the Ferienhaussiedlung of Kirchlauter in the vicinity of the wider buildings, which completed the project.

Zwölf Chalets and a Seminarhaus

The investor will go from Flurnummer 1365 to 1367 of the Feriendorf building, with new chalets for two people and 21 square meters, three chalets for four plus two people (42 square meters) and a seminar house with 80 square meters. Zielgruppe is the Altersgruppe from 25 to 65 years, the “natural Erholung with Genuss connecting wolle”.

Laut Thomas Ötinger has done research that 80 Prozent der Urlaubsgäste een Reisedauer von zwei bis vier Tagen bevorzugen en de Personenzahl bij zwei bis vier pro Unterkunft liegt. The idea of ​​Tiny-House-Feriendorfes passe genau in de Zeit, in der perhaps no more than Flugzeug nutzten, under Deutschland zu Hause genießen wollen. “Gerade wir haben here in de Haßbergen a wunderschöne Gegend and möchten auch unserer Region and unserem Heimatort Kirchlauter etwas zurückgeben”, Ötinger said.

Investor provides economic benefits for the community

A holiday in Feriendorf, so Ötinger, brought a gem in a time when other Stelle Einrichtungen closed and Kommunen only functioned as Schlafgemeinde. In a successful investment, it is an enterprise that encourages local companies to make a profit and make all the profit in the gastronomy or the sector. It is an interesting experience for the family parties and it became interesting to visit seminar boats in Kirchlauter.

A first design plan is being looked at on a fläche of the 5072 Quadratmeter in the “Altlauterssee”. The Chalets are no longer available, but are in the right shape. Mayor Karl-Heinz Kandler (SPD) has tackled the problem of the Parkplatz in Vorfeld very much and received a lost amount of money, because the Anwohnerinnen and Anwohner in the Siedlung are minimally taxed during the Anlieferverkehr.

It is a matter of a governing discussion, while you dare to use the Mitglieder or Ratsgremiums. The fragments that form the foundation of Tiny-Houses are based on the Befestigung of Straßen and Wegen.

Viele Fragen, aber keine Ablehnung

Michael Tischner (JL) war is heavy, the Fußweg goes along the “alten Lauter” to the belassen, while Uwe Derra (FW KL) uses one of the Fläche for a playground on the playground.

Peter Stretz (CSU) has solved the major problems with the high water and Robert Muckelbauer (CSU) has solved the Forderung after an Abbiegespur. The problem is that it is a property right in the Gemeinde. Reinhold Stöhr (SPD) is interested in the Versorgung des Feriendorfes. Here I say that Ötinger “The experience after 50 years of leisurely food, and the gastronomy is therefore profitable.”

Robert Muckelbauer (CSU) received the overnight prize and the blessing of the new Stimmung des Gremiums zum Bauvorhaben zum Ausdruck. “The jetzige low is even better than the previous one and can be a positive turn, but we will see more later.”

Bürgermeister kan baldige Abstimmung an

Gerne had not known investor Thomas Ötinger, who would now have the community of the Vorhaben and a “probeabstimmung” -war in Rede would get. No opposing voices had arisen from the committee.

One such Ratsmitglied famously stated: “No one was there and only questions or information were asked.” Thomas Ötinger said that he was happy with this mood picture, a plan that we could think of again. Mayor Karl-Heinz Kandler is certain that in the next situation he will leave the ruin or the building plan to stop.