
Fachkräfte gesucht – de lukrativsten Ausbildungsberufe

Fachkräfte gesucht – de lukrativsten Ausbildungsberufe

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Specialists can be fragmented in many cases. A new study list has been published, but a lot of money has come in.

In a number of branches, Fachkräfte zum Teil händeringend were reported. Der Mangel and specialists have used Ausbildungsberufe met überdurchschnittlichem Lohn, wie a study of the Institute of German Wirtschaft (IW). If you get started with a Ausbildung, you earn “more than a Beschäftigte with a college schluss”, he is in the kürzliche veröffentlampenstudie of IW.

A woman in the office taps on the laptop. If it's good, it's useful.
Studium or Ausbildung? Auch der Lohn played a Rolle with that Wahl. (Symbol image) © Westend61/Imago

Study: Am besten bezahlte Fachkräfte with einer Ausbildung

Deutsche Presse-Agentur has read the research report: This is the best way to find the best solutions in technical research and technology – often in the automotive and pharmaceutical industries. Gross lies the median income for full-time employees here, the analysis says at 5,670 euros. The factory work in this industry is unacceptable, it is no longer specialized and can be expanded to a mechanical machine.

Arbeitskräfte in der Luft- und Raumfahrt wie zum Beispiel ausgebildete Fluggerätemechaniker follows on the two Platz des Rankings. You earn an average of 5,100 euros. Dahinter lie Beschäftigte der Versicherungs- und Finanzdienstleistung met een median-Entgelt von gut 5,000 Euro.

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Technical description with an example of use of “best luck”

“Most of the lucrative Ausbildungsberufe are technically focused or in the Bau angesiedelt”, he is in the Mitteilung of IW van der Studie. More than half of the 20 lucrativest can be used to perform the analysis in metal and electrical engineering. Over all savings, the average price for the depreciation in 2023 is less than 3,500 euros. (With material from the DPA)