
Verbraucherzentrale Bayern warns against Heilpflanze Ashwagandha

Verbraucherzentrale Bayern warns against Heilpflanze Ashwagandha

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel is “in all the world”. After an Umfrage aus dem Jahr 2023 (external link) among 5,991 subjects more than 75 percent are taking nutritional supplements. The soul is a survey or a report of health care, but can help the best people to do their best.

The Verbraucherzentrale Bayern warns about the preparation, the Heilpflanze Ashwagandha is opened. The Wurzeln and Blätter der Pflanze were, moreover, pulver zerrieben, in the traditional Indian Medizin gegen Angstzustände and Schlafstörungen (external link) set. The warning for Ashwagandha is a notification from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).

Ashwagandha can be a problem

Schon 2012 said that the BfR was critical of Ashwagandha-Präparaten. Damals can all have a possible influence on the functioning of the shield drüsen function. The year 2017 had many more messages about (teilweise schwerwiegenden) Nebenwirkungen auf, die möglicherweise with the Einnahme of Ashwagandha-haltigen Präparaten in Zusammenhang stehen.

In clinical trials there are studies on Übelkeit, Erbrechen und Durchfall-messages, sowie von Benommenheit, Kopfschmerzen und Schwindel. In particular, berichte zu Leberschäden, darunter auch Fälle von akutem Leberversagen (external link) Veranlasten das BfR jetzt zu einer schärften Risikobewertung (external link): Special groups of people who may want to look out for Ashwagandha products.

New Ashwagandha Risk Groups

If the BfR staff appeals to all persons with the best health or the fresh experience of the Leber. It is possible to get acquainted with the disease of Ashwagandha medicine with other medicines: if the disease of the disease against diabetes, the blood sugar level (antidiabetics) or the immune system (immunosuppressants), can work or cure wirkungen einstellen.

Even the weak and the young should take risks with Ashwagandha products. Prof. Hans Hauner, Nutritionist at the TU Munich, stated clearly: “The repairer must take these risks with his products without profit, and will not do so.”

Ab welcher Dose is Ashwagandha drunk?

After BfR has given a small dose of Ashwagandha, it may be that this will happen. Because it is all so, it is “the art and the content of the inhaled substance in one of the nahrungsergänzungsmitteln that are grimly separated”, so das BfR. If most products are unclear, the use of additional paint and water can be carried out. Davon is worth a great deal of attention, while the Concentration of Ashwagandha-Wirkstoffe performs in no time.

Anja Schwengel-Exner from the Bavarian Consumer Center also pointed out that: Ashwagandha is only taken in classic supplements in pill form, except in sleep or herbal remedies. The boundaries are no longer so great: “When taking medicinal plants or medicinal plants, the product used is used, it is a way to define the mixture, but the mixture will be used during its duration.”

It is a fact that the most common biological effect and how the truth is for side effects. If you prefer Ashwagandha, Turmeric or Grüntee-Extrakt, this is not the case, while there is no talk of a treatment by Hauner. If you want to know whether there is now a qualitative study, that is even with the effects of the plant extracts possible, “and dare not understand the negative effects.”

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel dürfen gar nicht “heilen”

For Hans Hauner, he enjoys a healthy relationship with Pflanzenextratten, Heilkräutern and Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln: These Nahrungsergänzungsmittel were incorporated as Lebensmittel in the European Union. If all goes well, if you – otherwise as a food – have no value whatsoever, a market is created.

Ebenso gibt is keine Prüfung auf Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen, wie bij Arzneimitteln. Werbeslogans, the a “Heilung” verspchen, since black due to the EU-Health-Claim-Regulation (external link) verboten, aber mithilfe more imaginative Formulierungen weld sich diese Verbote umgehen. “If the financial sector has its own debt, it is never an Arzneimittel trade, but a Lebensmittel,” says Anja Schwengel-Exner from the Verbraucherzentrale sister Bayernammen.

If you can no longer use the skin, you can be given a supplement to the dietary supplement with vitamin D or vitamin D supplements or a medicine for personal use of your welding products.